Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday Dinner

Coming back from church I was really hungry and needing something quick and easy. So armed with two pots, a bag of rice and a can of soup, I got down to work. Here is the recipe, for those that want to try it, and also for my own memory.

Start with the rice.
1. Rinse in pot until water runs clear
2. Fill pot with about twice as much water as rice
3. Sprinkle a tiny bit of salt and stir
4. Cover and bring to a rolling boil
5. Leave on low heat until water is absorbed and to desired tenderness

While the rice is absorbing, prepare the soup. I had bought a can big beef stew, which I think goes really well because it is thick and hearty. Plus it was on sale!
1. Empty can into pot
2. Heat on low until steam rises but not yet boiled

Combine rice and stew and ENJOY!

Surprise Sightseeing

Going to church this morning was an adventure. I had looked up Mountain View Christian Church on the internet and found the address and put that through the Hamilton Street Railway (but really just the bus system) website and wrote down the directions to and from starting at McMaster.

So I went over to the campus a little early so I could walk around a bit and explore. Except I explored a little too much and became lost and missed the bus I was supposed to catch. So I kept walking and eventually got to a street, saw a bus stop and sat down, hoping one may randomly drive by and go to the right place. Five minutes later, a bus came the next street over and the driver stopped and waved at me to get in and after talking turns out that it was lucky that I had gotten on that one because the other bus didn't come until 15 minutes later and would have to circle around and it would take a much longer time. The driver was really nice and showed me where to transfer and exactly which bus to go on, which I did. Someone had mentioned something about Limeridge being a mall so I waited until I got to the mall and got off, hoping that the church would be within sight. But the mall was a big one surrounded by different streets and so after walking around trying to find a map I started asking some people. Turns out Limeridge was also the name of a big street and I should've gotten off at a corner a while back. She suggested I called a taxi and so I did. Right after I hung up the taxi came, except it was to drop someone off and not mine so I kept waiting and he was nice and told me he would wait too to make sure that the taxi came. It never did so ten minutes later he gave me a ride to the corner I was supposed to have gotten off the bus at, except that there were no churches in sight and neither of us knew where Mountain View was. He pulled over, called his friend who I guess looked it up over the internet, and then we drove to the church, where upon getting out of the cab I met Elise's mom who led me into the church and it was cool. It's small but that makes it more personal and the people there are really nice. There was even someone else from Montague, PEI who is related to the Herrings! Funny how things work out :)

Coming back home again I walked through the campus and did some more exploring and it was great. I coaxed a big butterfly to crawl on my finger, befriended three squirrels and led them to an acorn tree, and touched a crazy looking plant I've never seen before.

All in all, so far it's been an amazing day. They say Hamilton is a hard city but I think it's pretty sweet.

Friday, August 24, 2007

On My Own

Waking up this morning was a great feeling. No parents, no adult supervision, no nothing. Not that it was a bad thing, but just that it's nice to be on your own you know? Hamilton is totally different than what I had expected. I had thought either it was going to be big like Toronto or small like Charlottetown. And really it is huge but more in the way of big long roads than stuff to do. Less than Charlottetown, believe it or not. I say that because there is no more car and apparently the nearest mall is a fairly long bus ride away. But there are lots of restaurants nearby. Think University Avenue, except on a longer scale. The weather here, which everyone is dying to know, is very hot and muggy. After just walking around for a bit yesterday I desperately needed a shower. Reminds me very much of Egypt except with the small houses of Scotland. Actually where I'm living (with a potential 9 other people) has sort of the feel of a hostel, except more private. And nicer, since right now there are only two others.

Dad and I went around the university yesterday; it is huge! 300 acres and home to 25 000 students, it is like a small city in itself. Beautiful campus though and there are dozens of canadian geese and big squirrels! The student centre is like a mall, which shops and everything. There is also a nuclear reactor which looks really cool. One day I think I will book an appointment to tour it so I can see what it's like.

Now for breakfast... bacon and eggs?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Stubborn As A Mule

Reading the news this morning I came across an interesting article:

GILLETTE, Wyo. (AP) - He rode his mule into town looking for work.

No, it wasn't the opening scene of a Western movie. It was what Rod Maday did last
week, ending a six-week odyssey from his hometown of Boy River, Minn.

"I've done about 1,500 miles and I've got the saddle sores to prove it," he said.

Maday said he lost his driver's license 10 years ago after he was accused in a hit-and-run, and was having a hard time finding work in Minnesota. He heard that Wyoming had plenty of jobs that paid well.

He set out with two mules. About a month ago, both mules got loose and one was hit
by a car. It had to be euthanized.

Maday arrived at the Department of Workforce Services office on Friday morning wearing a torn shirt, dusty blue jeans, spurs and a cowboy hat. Astride his brown and silver mule, Henry, he caused several double-takes.

He didn't stay long. He said some teenagers had yelled "uncalled for" things at him while he was riding into town the night before.

"Gillette's nothing like what I had thought," he said.

He left Saturday morning, riding west toward the Bighorn Mountains.

"I could probably get a job and stay here, but I'm not willing to part with my mule," Maday said. "He's my best friend and I'm not getting rid of him for nothing."

If I were an employer I would hire him on the spot just for having the determination and the guts to do something like that. Talk about dedication!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

TV Time

I've been watching a lot of tv lately, but due to not having full cable during the day there are a lot of soaps and shows like Maury and stuff like that which has about the entertainment equivalent of a dead horse. There's no longer the shopping channel anymore, which was my previous method of escape haha. But even flicking through the channels you catch snippets of the stuff going on and it makes you wonder just what is going on in their minds. All the drama and complications people put themselves through... you wonder if they stop and ask themselves "why?" Why am I letting this person who is supposed to support me treat me like this? Why do I need to be in five or more different relationships at once? Why am I on national tv trying to solve out my problems in a crappy show like this? Anyways all this stuff reminded me of a song I've got stuck in my head lately which was relevant to a completely different show I saw, one of those older sitcoms. Now those I like!

She is gorgeous, smart, and funny
She smiles at you and you call her "hunny"
But she is her and I am me
She is everything I will never be

But I won't let it get me down
I refuse to be pushed around
I'm not changing who I am
Because I am part of God's perfect plan
And if she's the one that you're reaching for
Then it's time for me to walk out the door

She's the waitress that caught your eye
The pretty woman walking by
That girl on the movie screen
I'm sure you know just what I mean

So turn the channel, get back on base
Look at me and save some face
When you're staring at someone else
You know you're making a fool of yourself

But I won't let it get me down
I refuse to be pushed around
I'm not changing who I am
Because I am part of God's perfect plan
And if she's the one that you're reaching for
Then it's time for me to walk out the door

So make up your mind
We don't have much time
Am I going to be the only one you're dreaming of?
If you can't decide
Then sorry, goodbye
I was a fool for thinking that maybe it was love...

But I won't let it get me down
I refuse to be pushed around
I'm not changing who I am
Because I am part of God's perfect plan
And if she's the one that you're reaching for
Then it's time for me to walk out the door

I've done it before...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Happenings

So now that I'm 18, I can buy lottery tickets, rent hotels, vote, and sign my own papers. Kind of weird actually, to now have to think of myself as an "adult". Today after church dad took us to High Park where there there was poop everywhere but huge geese and it was so cool. I almost touched one and would've if it hadn't run away at the last second. I guess it didn't help that I tried to run after it...

Yesterday for my birthday my brother and I went to see Bourne Ultimatum. Oh man it was so good. I wanted to hug the screen afterwards. The first two were good but this one takes the cake. I guess you don't expect it to be as good because it is the third one and usually they go down but no this one definitely rocks. If you have yet to see the first two I would suggest you do so and then haul your butt to the theatres to see the third. Worth every penny. Especially when you go to Rainbow Cinemas and an adult ticket on the weekend is still only $6. Talk about a nice change haha.

It's weird being here not "just to visit". Trying to think of this place as home again feels weird somehow. I guess it's just because I haven't really thought of it that way for a while now. My dad drove downtown for lunch after church today and I saw this group of big really nice buildings and I asked my brother what they were. He said it was the university. I'm regretting a little bit my stubborness to not go to U of T but oh well the pictures of McMaster are nice too.

I now can add to my list of things I own a computer desk, dish set, and a set of metal bowls and measuring cups. Went to Canadian Tire a few days ago and there was a sale on so we decided to get some stuff. Now all I need is an apartment which will hopefully be only two months away. For some reason my dad now thinks I will get murdered if I live by myself but honestly I think he just doesn't want to pay for it. But that's my dad for ya haha.

Anyways I'm going to go have a little nap. I was so tired last night I went to bed early and have no idea what I did with my glasses. So this morning I tore the place apart looking for them but couldn't find them so I went to church without it. I'm quite blind haha.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Finally Here.

After what seems like forever (even though the plane was on time! *shock*) I'm finally here in Toronto. It seems a little unreal to be moving up here; as I was talking to someone beside me on the plane we were talking about how nice PEI is and he said that Hamilton will be a big change. It's weird thinking I won't be back for at least a few months and only to visit. Even though I'm still "from away" PEI really is my home. After all I've lived there longer than I've lived anywhere else, consecutively or otherwise. And saying goodbye for a while is hard. But coming out of your comfort zone is how you grow and I know that this will all work out one way or another. Things have a way of doing that even when all seems impossible. Thank you God :) So I did a shocking thing when I came up here: I went to bed right when I arrived, which was around 9 pm. I guess I'm not really not used to having much sleep; I ended up waking up at 3:30 a.m. and have now been awake for a while. Woke my dad up by my meandering around and he stayed up with me for a little while but just went back to bed. A few nights of this and he will see how much I need my own apartment hopefully haha. Anyways we shall see.

Well I'm starving so I'm going to mosey on over to the kitchen and start raiding some food. Feel free to leave a comment or update your blog! :D

Monday, August 13, 2007

"It's On" by Superchick

It all comes down to this
You take your best shot, might miss
You take it anyway
You're gonna make your move today
Got the will, you'll find the way
To change the world someday
Grab this moment before it's gone

Today's your day

It's on (and on) it's on (and on) it's on (and on)
Today's your day so come on, bring it on
(And on) it's on (and on) it's on (and on)
Today's your day so come on, bring it on

And the view will never change
Unless you decide to change it
Don't feel like it today
Just show up anyways
And though life will take you down
It only matters if you let it
Get up, go through, press on

Today's your day

It's on (and on) it's on (and on) it's on (and on)
Today's your day so come on, bring it on
(And on) it's on (and on) it's on (and on)
Today's your day so come on, bring it on

And though you wanna quit
Don't think you can get through it
You've come too far to walk away
It's not gonna be today
And no matter how you feel
It's what you do that matters
This is your moment to be strong

Today's your day

It's on (and on) it's on (and on) it's on (and on)
Today's your day so come on bring it on
(And on) it's on (and on) it's on (and on)
Today's your day so come on, bring it on

No matter how you feel
It's what you do that matters
It's your moment to be strong

It's on (and on) it's on (and on) it's on (and on)
Today's your day so come on bring it on
(And on) it's on (and on) it's on (and on)
Today's your day so come on, bring it on!

Friday, August 10, 2007


Leaving in two days. How crazy is that? I can't believe it; I refuse to believe it. I mean I'm not even packed yet!

People ask me how I'm feeling and I don't know what to say. Sad? Excited? Frustrated? Tired? Scared? The list just goes on and on. I have no idea what it's like or even what to expect.

I feel so distant from everyone. From my family. From my friends. From God. It's like I get wrapped up in some tiny thing and just let it control me. What I mean to say is that lately I've been really... angry. I don't know why. No reason actually. But something happens and I snap. And I don't mean to. I hate it. I can feel it building up inside me and I want to push it away but the more I try to push it the more it wants to come out. Maybe I just need more sleep or something, who knows. Anyways it's something that has to be taken care of and fast. But that's not what I want to talk about today.

Today I am just blown away by the incredible family and friends that I have gotten to know over the past few years. I am so unbelievebly lucky; it seems whenever I hit a rough patch it never seems to be for long because whether they know it or not someone comes along and just totally brings a smile to my day. I can't even begin to describe just how much it means. So if you are reading this I just want to say THANK YOU. You guys have made all the difference.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Stolen From Melissa & Courtney

Time Started: 9:16 PM

Name: Sandy Chang

Gender: Female

1.) When showering, do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water?
Start the water and then get in. That way it's nice and hot already :)

2.) Do you read the labels on the shampoo bottle?
Always. I read labels all the time.

3.) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal essence commercials?

4.) Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex?
It was an outdoor shower so we all had our bathing suits on.

5.) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
Thankfully no.

6.) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
Never really tried.

7.) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
Yes haha I drop things a lot, especially when they're slippery.

8.) How old do you look?
Depends on who you talk to I guess. When I was in grade 12 (back in the day lol) someone thought I was in grade seven. But then I get a lot of people who thought I was in university. So go figure.

9.) How old do you act?
Good question.

10.) What's the last song you heard/sang?
I played "The Scientist" by Coldplay, does that count?

11.) Have you recently become a member of anything?
Not that I know of?

12.) What are your plans for the weekend?
A wedding, packing, etc. I don't have much of a social life haha.

13.) What is your mood at the moment?
Frustrated, tired, "screw it", but generally pretty happy. A little hungry. Craving hamburger. No, cheeseburger.

14.) Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?
No but I've always wanted to try.

15) Do you ever intentionally vomit after drinking?
No can't say I have. I don't think I could even make myself throw up if I wanted to haha.

16.) If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be?
The captain! Or one of the scrubbers of the poopdeck. Most likely a scrubber.

17.) Have you ever called anyone a slut?
Umm yes.

18.) Has anyone ever called you a slut?

19). Have you ever smuggled something into America?
Maybe? I was there when I was eight. I don't think I knew what was illegal and what wasn't then haha.

20.) Does playing a guitar make someone more attractive?
No but it would be a fun thing to learn.

21.) Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
We have the PEI Rockets?

22). Have you ever finished off the popcorn?
Yes! Lord Of The Rings + Large popcorn = fantastic.

23). Have you ever turned someone down for a date?
Yeah haha I usually never say yes.

24.) What's your favorite super-hero?
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. I used to be obsessed.

25.) Do you have more enemies or more friends?
Hopefully more friends but who knows.

26.) Have you ever sent an anonymous letter?
None that pops to mind.

27.) Can you fix your own car?
Sort of. I think I know how to check the oil and to put more in or something. I also know how to drive to the mechanic lol.

28). Do you like staying up late?
Usually but sometimes I do when I don't mean to and that kind of sucks.

29.) Are you smarter than your friends?
Haha no.

30.) Have you ever stolen anything from your friends?
Yeah I have this pen that I borrowed and kept meaning to return. Except now I don't remember who it belongs to. If it's yours let me know!

31.) Have you ever been to jail?
On a field trip!

32.) Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?
Hmm I don't remember. Clothes is probably the safest guess.

33) Do you like the smell of beer?
I don't mind it.

34.) Have you ever died or killed someone in a dream?
Yeah. It was quite odd.

35.) Have you ever given to charity?
Nothing significant no.

36.) Would you kill a dog for $1000?
What kind of question is that? That would be so cruel.

37.) Do you ever get depressed?
Sure. Doesn't everybody?

38.) Do you live with your parents?
Right now yeah.

39.) Do you have plans for your future?
Umm university for 4-6 years. Then a couple of years at MCC and then working. Actually I have no clue.

[x] under 5'4
[ ] 5'4"-5'5"
[] 5'5"-5.6"
[ ]'5.6.5 - 5'7 ''
[ ] 5'7" - 6'0
[ ] tall (6'1 and up)

[ ] blonde
[ ] redhead
[ ] brunette
[ ] dirty blonde
[ ] brownish
[x] dark brown
[ ] black
[ ] red/light brown
[ ] Don't Know, Dyed Too Much

[ ] blue-eyed
[x] brown-eyed
[ ] black-eyed
[ ] green-eyed
[ ] Hazel-eyed
[ ] gold/gray-eyed
[ ] silver/gray- eyed
[ ] blue/green-eyed
[ ] blue/gray-eyed
[ ] green/gray-eyed
[ ] they change colors

[x] glasses
[ ] contacts
[ ] neither
[ ] Both

[ ] short hair
[x]medium hair (it's growing!)
[ ]kinda long hair

Your personality is sometimes...

[x] talkative
[x] shy
[x] funny
[x] serious
[x] laid back
[ ]strict
[x] hyper
[x] sarcastic

You like listening to:

[x] pop
[x] country
[x] Christian
[x] orchestral/classical
[x] techno
[x] oldies
[x] opera
[ ] soca
[ ]80's
[x] disco
[ ] rap
[x] classic rock
[x] punk
[x] pop punk
[ ] metal
[x] reggae
[x] rock
[x] alt/indie rock
[x] emo
[x] foreign rock
[x] lots of different stuff
[x] dancehall

Your confessions:

[ ] I'm afraid of silence
[x] I am ticklish
[ ] I'm afraid of the dark
[x]I've collected comic books (from my old dentist. but then i lost them all)
[x] I sometimes shut out others
[x] I open up to others TOO easily
[x] I read the newspaper
[x] I love Disney movies
[x] a sucker for gorgeous eyes
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous smile
[ ] I don't kill bugs
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name
[ ] I bake well
[x] have worn pajamas to class
[x] I love Martha Stewart
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[x] I am self-conscious
[x] I love to laugh
[ ] I can't swallow pills-not without water
[ ] I bite my nails
[x] play computer games when I'm bored
[x] I have gotten lost in the city
[x] I have gone out in public in my pajamas
[ ] made out in an elevator
[ ] I have been skydiving
[ ] I have been bungee jumping
[x] I have bitten someone
[ ] I have egged or rolled a house/car/telephone booth.
[ ] I have smashed into a car
[ ] I have been fired
[ ] I have been skinny dipping

Have you ever...

[x] seen a shooting star
[x] joke proposed to anyone
[ ] gotten stitches
[x] eaten sushi
[x] gotten the chicken pox
[x] Ridden in a taxi
[x] Been on a cruise ship
[ ] Driven over 400 miles in one day
[x] Been on a plane by yourself
[ ] had surgery
[x] seen a movie 2 or more times in the theater
[x] been on stage
[ ] gotten a black eye
[x] memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[x] watched an entire baseball game

Do you like...

[x] old movies
[x] musicals
[x] blasting music in your car/or someone else's
[x] foreign foods
[x] gameboy Pokemon (i'm partial to pokemon yellow. pikachuu)
[x] Christmas time
[x] animals
[x] coffee
[x] tea
[x] summer
[x] winter


Two Names You Go By: Sandy and Hsin-Yi, though no one uses that name. Really I answer to anything.

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now: Socks and a sweater, though not alone (that would be slightly weird)

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation: Australia and Morocco.

Two favorite animals? Polar bear and platypus.

Two Things You Want in a Relationship other than Real Love: Faithfulness and fun-ness (?) haha.

Two Reasons you're doing this survey: Because I'm bored and like weird things.

Spell your name without vowels: snd

How many pairs of jeans do you own?: No clue. Most of them are packed so dont' make me count haha.

What color(s) do you wear most often?: I like to wear different colours but I think it's probably blue since I wear jeans a lot.

Are you missing someone right now? Yup.

What's for dinner tonight? Come to think of it I don't really remember. But I'm heading to the fridge.

Are you happy with your life right now? I guess so. I mean things aren't perfect but that just makes it all the more interesting.

[Do you own a...]

- PS2?: Nope
- XBOX?: No
- xbox 360?: Nadda
- PSP?: Can't say I do.
- Gamecube? I own a gameboy. That's it. Nothing else.
- A digital camera? Of course. I went back to film once. Scary.
- Cell Phone? Yup.

Do you shop at stores like Aeropostale and American Eagle: Sure. For us Islanders just going to those stores is a big deal haha.

How's the weather?: Clear, windy, pretty dark.

When did you start summer break?: Well technically it was right after graduation. But going on the trip right afterwards it didn't feel like it was really "summer" until I got back. Which wasn't until after July.

Favorite pair of shoes: Right now my sneakers. I threw all the other ones out so they're my only shoe shoe left.

Do you own big sunglasses?: Nope. Don't really wear them.

Do you find yourself attractive?: Not particularly.

What should you be doing right now? Packing probably. Eating. Doing something productive.

Who did you hug today? My dog. He enjoys them.

How many beds did you lay in yesterday? Just mine.

Name one thing that you do everyday? Eat.

What's the color of your bedroom walls?: Eggshell white but right now they're half covered in posters (I took half of them down).

How much cash do you have on you right now? In my wallet? One penny Canadian.

What's your favorite sports? Really "sports" should be singular or it should start with "which are". But I will answer it anyways. Basketball, soccer, and dodgeball are fun to play but the one time I played shinty it was fun too.

When was the last time you saw your dad? My foster dad, I saw him not that long ago. My dad dad I haven't seen since March Break.

What did you have for dinner last night? Can't remember but I bet it was delicious! Actually I just remembered: it was a roast.

Look to your left, what do you see? A bookshelf.

Do you have plants in your room? Used to but it got moved outside.

What's your favorite starbucks drink? Not sure. I try to order something different every time I go.

Recent time you were really upset? This morning.

End Time: 10:22 PM

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


The closer it gets to the moving date the faster things seem to move. I decided to sell the piano and called Sobers this morning. No definite plans on where my mom will be but last night she told me she wanted to go to Hamilton after all so if she hasn't changed her mind she will be talking to the doctor today about it. She's also finding out today if she can get a flight to Taiwan which you don't want to hear me talk about because I know it will be a bad move for her. But who am I to go against the doctor, whom I had already had a meeting with and explained everything to? I'm just a kid, right?

Man I hate when that's what people think just because I'm not bigger or taller or look more menacing (?).

Oh the cool side, I got my timestable for Mcmaster finally! I don't have any real early courses other than 8:30 in second semester, but then I've also only got one course on Friday so I guess it evens out. I'm looking forward to all my courses, they seem pretty interesting. I mean where else can you take a course in archeology? Do they have field trips in university? Because that would be pretty cool.

I also have an e-mail account with Mcmaster. It's, in case you ever feel the need to send me a hello while I'm up there. Of course I will be using my regular mail but it's kind of cool anyways.

Still watchign that show, Numb3rs. I'm beginning to love it more and more though a lot of changes have happened now I'm in second season. The opening theme gets better but sadly someone gets taken out though I won't be a spoiler and say who. But hey, I've only watched the first episode of the second season so don't listen to me. Want to watch it? Check it out!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Chinese Pancakes

My brother was talking to me about this a while ago and so last night I went to Sobey's, got the ingredients, and decided to try to make it. Turned out not too bad, though I forgot the salt and had to put it on afterwards, which gave it a different taste. Anyways here it is in case you want to try it for yourself.

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 stalk green onion, chopped
1 cup water

Combine flour and onion in small mixing bowl. Do not forget salt. Stir in water slowly to avoid lumpy dough. Fry thinly in medium-sized pan. Serve plain or with your choice of soy sauce or, if you're like my brother, really spicy sauce.

When asked to make it today for a friend, he suggested adding eggs, milk, and sugar. I have no idea how that would turn out but I'll let you be the brave one. If you do try it let me know!

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Yesterday was Natalie's day off and she invited Jill and I to the beach with her. After searching for Tracadie we ended up going to Blooming Point (who everyone thinks for some reason is a nude one. Not quite sure why) and the water there was lovely. Clear of seaweed, rocks, and most importantly jellyfish (we only saw one!) it was great! Jill and Natalie swam out way above their heads and I learned how to float so it was a new experience for all of us.

Then the most amazing thing happened. After we had gotten out of the water, we looked up and you could see this huge dark cloud coming towards us. To my right the beach was perfectly clear and sunny. To my left it was darkening to a deep blue and purple. Listen closely and you could hear the soft rumble of thunder. Look carefully and you could glimpse short forks of lightning. On the insistence of Jill we started packing but me being the idiotic one gathered my stuff in my arms and just stood there and watched. For me it was worth it though. Because not even five minute later, you ould hear this whoosh coming from away and getting closer. Next thing you see is the water, which was perfectly calm before, starting to form white-capped waves rushing towards the shore. The wind hit the sand and out of nowhere a huge sandstorm arises, blowing sand all over the beach, all over the dunes, and all over us. We started running for the beach exit and towards the car, but it was the coolest thing I've ever seen. Walking through the dunes all the bushes were waving about wildly with the sand whistling past them and wow! Was it ever cool. I wish I could've stayed; how many times in your life do you actually get to see a storm hit in real life? It was so fast, and over so soon. When we drove out of the storm it was like snapping out of a dream: there was no wind, the sun was shining, and it was as clear as can be. Go figure.

Another cool thing that happened this morning was that I wrapped Pokemon Yellow. My friend was talking to me about Pokemon a couple of days ago so I started playing it too on my version and this morning I woke up, decided I was going against the Elite Four, and won second time! Would've won it the first except I was too rushed and hit fight when I should've healed my pokemon some and it got my last one. Anyways it was pretty cool; I never thought I'd ever wrap such a long game but I did and it's a good feeling. Except now you start back at the beginning, so it might be another long time before I start playing this again haha. But time will tell...

So that's my interesting day so far. Back to laundry, packing, and other miscellaneous things on the agenda for today. There's a recipe that I want to try but I need green onions. I think there's a convenience store nearby but I don't know where it is. Sounds like time for another adventure!

This is the part where you say "Wow Sandy you really are pretty lame."

Why yes, yes I am :D

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

It is settled. I'm moving to Hamilton.

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