Thursday, November 30, 2006

Self-Parking Cars

Wow this is exactly what I need; check it out:

Howstuffworks "How Self-parking Cars Work"

That GM Opel looks nice. Apparently it will be out in 2008 too, which isn't bad, considering it will take me a lot longer than that to afford one haha.

Oh well, there's no harm in dreaming...

p.s. to find out what i'm talking about you have to click on the link! :P

Say Hello To Procrastination!

I wouldn't call him my best friend, but we have been hanging out a lot. Who is this you may ask? Just a little someone I like to call PROCRASTINATION. Definitely not a good influence; ever since we've been together it seems I haven't been able to get anything done. Recently I've been trying to get with HARD WORK, but every time I try, PROCRASTINATION keeps distracting me. Talk about frustrating.

But you know what they say, you can pick your friends but not your nose. Or maybe it was the other way around... anyways you get the point.

The point is this: as I write this I am procrastinating once again. I should really go do some work.

please PROCRASTINATION, give me a break...

Of your kit kat bar!

*high five*

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Zat Is Ze Question!

Can you tell we are watching Hamlet in english class? Man I don't like that movie.. Hamlet is such a jerk and ruins his own plan he made up by being an idiot and causing a scene. But it's just a movie. And it's not even based on real life either haha.

Well today marks the last day of alphabet blogging; I can't believe I actually stuck with it for 28 posts! The things you can do when you put your mind to it...

Back to the Hamlet thing (sorry I'm jumping back and forth between topics here)but did you know that the famous "To be or not to be - that is the question" line is actually talking about whether or not he (Hamlet) should commit suicide or not? It makes sense but I guess it was just repeated so much it lost all meaning. Like even Bugs Bunny quoted it, which is surprising now because that was a kid's show.

Don't you hate it when you make a really stupid mistake that you know you really shouldn't have made? It would be so nice to travel back in time and fix them but of course you can't and so you are forced to live with them, fix them, and get over them. It's another good learning experience I guess to just when you thought you had it figured out it turns out that you actually don't. Sunday night I had a good chat with the taxi driver on the way home (sometimes you luck out with nice ones) and we were talking about the ironies of life, especially in reference to the taxi business. He said one thing in life you can count on is that you are either always too late or too early and you never know what's going on and who else is going to be with you. Sounds kind of depressing but it's funny if you look at it that way.

Today after school I went with Courtney and Katie to Queen Charlotte, our old junior high and visited some teachers that we had. It's funny how much changed and how much stayed the same. Like the hallways seem so different now; they are wider but shorter and the classrooms have changed around some, but as much as they are different they are also just the same. It seems weird that it has been four years since grade 8 when I first started there and three years since we left. And now this year we are graduating, and who knows when we'll be able to get together and revisit our junior high again. It sounds really dorky to be doing that but it was fun seeing the teachers again and reminincing the old times and the memories made. Plus we were able to do all the stuff that we had wanted to do but always got in trouble for doing such as running in the halls, going down the staff stairs, and walking out the door that leads to the misshapen square that was never used for anything.

I was also reminded of my past skateboarding life. Surprisingly I have skateboarded and I'm sure my old one is still knocking around the basement somewhere in some hidden corner but it's funny looking back on some of the not-so-smart decisions made in hindsight. I mean, of all the things I could pick up, skateboarding should not have been one of them. I didn't (and still don't) have any balance and to be able to stay on a rolling board requires a lot of it. So needless to say, it was very short-lived. Actually I can remember my last day I ever skateboarded. I was with Florine at Queen Charlotte and I was there skating along beside her and she admitted to me that she was nervous because she thought it looked so unsafe. I promptly reassured her that I was very safe and hadn't fallen yet; and if in fact I did get into any trouble I could always just jump off. Except that while I was speaking I was looking at her and not the road and as soon as those words came out of my mouth the skateboard hit a large rock and I went flying back and scared the living daylights out of her. And I was forbidden to go ever since.

Don't get me wrong, I love sports and especially playing them, but I am forever doomed with having no hand-eye or foot-eye coordination, no balance, and not a really good perepherial vision - three very crucial things you need in order to be any good. One year at the spring youth conference in Moncton I won a hackey sack from a workshop we did and so some friends and I decided to hack... without shoes. At first it wasn't too bad, but it was when I lunged forward to reach the sack and misjudged the force needed to kick it that I ended up flipping back and found myself on my back in a lot of pain, mostly focused on my bum. I still have that hacky sack by the way; I carry it around in my purse just in case another moment arises to update our skills (or lack thereof). Except next time we are so keeping our shoes on!

Actually now that I think about it I have fallen flat on my back a lot. Probably my most embarassing moment doing this was at the movies. I had bought a large coke and was walking over to get a straw by where all the butter was and right beside the little island set up I slipped and flipped up on my back. On a Friday. In front of a long line of people waiting to get into some highly anticipated movie. With the large pop. Surprisingly I didn't end up getting any on myself, but it sure went all over the floor. The employees were nice about it; they stopped laughing long enough to ask me if I was okay, but I was laughing (and red!) too and managed to somewhat walk inconspicuously away to hide in a dark theatre.

So after blogging the entire alphabet have I undergone a changing of life and perspective? Are my views broadened and my tastes more refined? Have I uncovered and discovered some great epiphany?

Nah. It was just fun.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Yesterday Today And Tomorrow

Well yesterday Bethlehem Village was on at church. It's sort of like VBS but different, if you know what I mean. I was part of Jerusalem Marketplace but I was teaching the games. This time though, I was asked to be a tribe leader which was a new and different experience for me. If you know me you will know that I'm not really used to little kids so it was a little nerveracking stepping out of the shell haha. Overall though I think it went good and hopefully next week I will be more experienced and will be able to do better. I also went to see Happy Feet last night. It was pretty good. Don't let the kids rating fool you though; there are so many hidden messages in it! lol. Actually it was kind of shocking, I mean there were like little kids there. But then again even Spongebob had many obvious messages in it too, so I guess I shouldn't really be surprised. But it IS sad though. After that we went to Wendy's, where I renewed my love for the double cheeseburger. Except I didn't get to finish it all; I wonder why... *glares*

Monday morning, school as usual. Though I was actually early for school today (I got there before the bell rang.. new record!) I was still late for English because I succumbed to peer pressure and went for a walk to the other end of the school and back haha. Which means next time I am late I won't be allowed back in... ouch. Toniught also marked the last night for the Connect class at MCC. It was really good, Brenton did an amazing job. I was sad it was over. There's a class next semester though, which sounds like it would be interesting to take. ""How To Read The Bible For All It's Worth." Now that's something we all need haha.

Not sure what is happening tomorrow; school as usual I guess and then laundry. I want to try to catch the sunrise again; I'm not giving up on that. So what I think I will do if I can get up tomorrow morning is to wake up real early and walk down to the boardwalk. I think if I give myself an hour for that I could do it. Except that means I have to be out the door by 6:30, or 6 for good measure. Except that when I just checked right now on the weather network website it said that sunrise won't be until 7:30... well so much for that idea haha.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

What Song Do I Have Stuck In My Head?

"Be My Escape" by Relient K

I’m giving up on giving up slowly
I’m blending in so you won’t even know me
Apart from this whole world that shares my fate

And this one last bullet you mention
Is my one last shot at redemption
‘Cause I know to live you must give your life away

And I’ve been housing all this doubt
And insecurity
And I’ve been locked inside that house
All the while You hold the key
And I’ve been dying to get out
And that might be the death of me
And even though there’s no way of knowing where to go
I promise I'm going because

I've got to get out of here
I’m stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake
I've got to get out of here
And I’m begging You
I’m begging You
I’m begging You to be my escape.

I’ve given up on doing this alone now
‘Cause I’ve failed and I’m ready to be shown how
You’ve told me the way, and now I’m trying to get there

And this life sentence that I’m serving
I admit that I’m every bit deserving
But the beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair.

I've got to get out of here
‘Cause I’m afraid that this complacency
Is something I can't shake
I've got to get out of here
And I’m begging You
I’m begging You
I’m begging You to be my escape.

I am a hostage to my own humanity
Self-detained and forced to live in this mess I’ve made
And all I’m asking is for You to do what You can with me
But I can’t ask You to give what You already gave

I fought You for so long
I should have let You in
Oh, how we regret those things we do

And all I was trying
To do was save my own skin
Oh, but so were You

So were You.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Well I'm not exactly sure what it means (something to do with speed or something) but we are doing a little bit of it in math so naturally when I think of the letter V i thought of this haha.

Because school takes up so much of my time, I guess I will talk about it a little bit more to fill you in. You know, because my life is so interesting and everything! (not).

In English we did some in-class essays on Macbeth. We had a list of topics we could pick from and I did number 8: "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." Discuss the truth and/or falsity of the above statement in relation to Macbeth. I said that it wasn't the power that corrupts but the desire for it. I'm such a loser haha.

In math we're doing this thing on sine and cosine and finding angles and radians and stuff. So far so good; it's mostly just the plug and play formulas that I love so much. Except for this one part that you deal with converting them to triangles or something... I don't really get it but apparently it's really easy. Go figure.

In chemistry we are doing some stuff that I thought I got but when I did it again I realised I didn't. A lot of it has to do with stoichiometry, which last year I found easy but confusing. This year it is just confusing. We learned a new thing today where you are given a formula and the equilibrium and you change it to a quadratic equation. Not quite totally sure how it works out but hey, apparently it's easy too. I think this is a sign that I'm becoming too white... I need to go back to my asian roots.

Canadian history though isn't too bad, although confusing the way we learn. We learn by themes instead of in chronological order, which makes it different. The unit we're on is on economy, and so far it's not too too bad but still... the test on Tuesday will be killer. And not in a good way either!

And the physics... not too good! I haven't had time to go on it a whole lot and I am stuck on it so it makes it very hard. I thought I could do it but now I'm not so sure. Between trying to balance regular school and life it seems to just to be the broccoli sprouts on my plate. I don't want to eat it but I have to so I try to eat it at my own pace (i.e. very slowly). I wish it was easy though. That would be nice. But it's not. Physics is HARD. See what I mean when I say I'm not asian enough? *shakes head*

Well tonight I am going to aim for getting to bed at an actually decent time (i.e. before 1am) so I should start getting ready. If you are reading this (and even if you're not) I hope you have a great night, a great day, and a great week!

There is a good sale on at Maritime Christian Bookstore (downtown) if you live on PEI. Be sure to check check check it out!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Uh Oh

Remember when I got the alphabet mixed up a while ago?

Well it happened again.

For some strange reason (I must've been singing wrong in my head) I thought that W came after T, when really it is U. The sad part is, mark-wise English is my best subject, higher than math and chemistry.

I suck at being a nerd.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Waiting On The Sunrise

For the past few nights (well more like the past few weeks) I've been getting up fairly early in the morning to watch something I realised I had never seen before. An actual sunrise. Call me weird, call my crazy, call me absolutely whacked-out. But I am willing - even wanting - to get up early (and I am NOT a morning person) and experience something I've never experienced before. Now it just so happens that I realised as the sun was setting today that looking out from my balcony... the sunrise is blocked by the house. I cannot view it!! And tomorrow marks the first (and probably last) day in a while that there is actually going to be cloudless enough to watch it. It's so disappointing when you want something so bad and it seems so simple but yet it's out of your reach.

But life's like that sometimes.

It's tough when you have to make a decision between what you really want to do and what you really should do. You can list off to yourself a whole pile of reasons why something shouldn't (or should) be done but in the end you are still left struggling with the decisions you have to make. And only you can make them, no one else can make them for you.

Sometimes life throws you in for a curve. Things are going along great when suddenly something totally unexpected happens and you are left clinging to the life you were used to by a thread. What do you do? Where do you go? What happens next? I think fear plays a big part in those times, especially of the unknown. I mean, stepping out of your comfort zone isn't the easiest thing to do in the world, but it is necessary to growth.

Speaking of growth... I have been eating even more than extra lately. Growth spurt anyone?

*is hopeful*

Sunday, November 19, 2006

To Catch A Cold

1. Wait for a cold winter day - preferably with strong wind and rain.

2. Remove all articles of clothing (except for underwear... that would be indecent).

3. Step outside and walk slowly, generating as less body heat as possible.

4. Lick doornobs, handrails, and other frequently touched objects whenever possible.

5. Aquaint yourself with others who have flu-like symptoms.

6. Don't wear socks!

Or, if you are like me,

Just breathe.

Friendly advice from the girl with years of cold-catching experience,
able to catch colds anywhere from Canada to Taiwan to Egypt
and keep them for months at a time.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Every morning on the walk to school there are always a flock of seagulls that hang out in the field between the two schools. I don't know why some people don't like seagulls; personally I think they're pretty. But I guess the fact that they poop a lot and make messes or whatever can deter some people, although we do the same too. Well today the seagull population has changed. But first, let me give you the background:

One day early last month I was walking by and I was looking at the seagulls and noticed there was a newcomer! He must've been a different species; he was bigger, had a whiter body (like gleaming white might I add with no flecks), and had very dark wings. For the next week or so he was there every morning, but a little bit apart from the other seagulls. Then the next week I didn't see him for a while until three days later when I saw an empty field (a rare sight) and just him and this brownish seagull kind of together by the baseball diamond at the far end. So I made up in my mind a big story about how the other seagulls were scared of him and though he tried to fit in they kept pushing him off except for this one girl who was nice to him and stuck up for him and all the other seagulls were jealous (she was a pretty little bird) and they teamed up and fought him off and so that morning they snuck back in to say their final goodbye to each other. Sounds a bit like Romeo and Juliet haha. But sure enough, that was the last time I saw him there, and then next day it was filled with seagulls as usual with the exception of the newcomer.

Well today as I was walking I near fell over in the sidewalk because there were a bunch of the larger seagulls, and intermingled with the normal ones too! I think they must've interbred too because I saw some of the larger seagulls with greyish and brownish chests instead of the stark white. My interpretation? After he had left the girl seagull decided she couldn't live without him and flew away in the middle of the night to meet him. And the other seagulls couldn't find her for the longest time and at first they were like "Oh she'll be back" but after weeks went by she wasn't and they were scared. They missed her terribly and so finally the head seagull (who was also her father) realised that it was foolish to keep them away and so he sent his messengers all over the Island to track her down and bring her back, telling her she could bring him back too along with his family and all would be forgiven. So when they finally found them they were overjoyed and together with his family and now theirs, they returned to the field inbetween the two schools and life from that day on became better than ever.

Man, have I watched too many movies or what?

It said on the radio last night about how they were trying to bring soap operas back because it declined dramatically. And you thought this kind of drama was limited only to people...

Well it's finally the weekend! You know those weeks where it just seems so long and there's nothing more you would like than for it to end? Well this has been one of those weeks. And now it's over (well sort of). Sometimes it's so easy to just give up and not even bother trying. Having a remote control for life would be so nice. Being able to stop, rewind, fast forward, and pause... that would be great. Things would be so much easier that way; make a bad decision? Hold on let me go back and undo it. Not looking forward to the exam? Here let me just fast forward through that period until it's done. Just need a break? PAUSE. Sort of like the movie Click with Adam Sandler, except without the side effects.

Well I had meant to go to bed early tonight and I was all set to except when I finally did I couldn't sleep. So now after a long period of being awake I will try once again. Goodnight.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Runny Noses

With the winter months fast approaching, noses everywhere are gearing up for the excitement. My secret stash of pocket kleenex has been slowly depleting as packages are needed everywhere: kitbag, purse, dresser, nightstand.. you get the drift. But it's nice. The anticipation of snow is almost overwhelming. With snow comes great things: igloos, tubing, and school cancellations. And since this year is my last year on the Island.. well I am determined to ski for the first time haha.

But it's that time of year again: yes, the time everyone's been waiting for; the grand finale for the year. It's finally dawned on me... Christmas is a month and nine days away!

For some reason I can't get it wrapped around my head that Christmas is so soon. Usually I am the one starting the countdown the day after Boxing Day haha. I guess I should've known when I heard about the house with their tree up the day before Remembrance Day. Or the flyers starting to come out with the holiday sales. Or even when I bought holiday shirts at Old Navy. But it took till today to finally sink in.

I celebrated with a glass of eggnog.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Well I decided I better do a post today because this WAS an exciting Wednesday and so, as you can see, I made it just in time for it to still be counted as today.

So what made it such a great Wednesday? Let me fill you in.

It was just one of those days where everything goes wrong and yet ends up good anyways. Especially in the morning. I slept through my two alarms (how I managed that is another story) but woke up at 7:06 a.m., just in time to see the sunrise that I had checked the weather website the night before for, which said would happen at 7:12. So I said a quick prayer, jumped up, put on a sweater, grabbed my bible (to read outside, multi-tasking i know :D) and an extra shirt to jam in the door so I make sure I don't get locked out on my balcony. I get outside and there and behold there is a man in the yard behind and what is he doing but raking leaves! So I am embarassed because by now he has seen me in a gray sweater and bright bright elmo jammies with a pair of crazy fuzzy slippers because I was too tired to try to find socks and though I want to run back inside and hide my face forever I figure since I'm up and out I might as well stay out. So, I do my best to pretend to not have noticed someone else outside and start reading, checking up once in a while to see if I can see the sunrise yet. Well it was very cloudy and I read through the whole of Ecclestiastes (a random book in the bible that I flipped to which turned out to be an interesting view that Solomon had on life and makes you think) and then by the time I was done I realised that it was still too cloudy to see the sunrise and I missed it again. So I ran back inside and got ready to take a shower and realised that all my clothes were still down in the laundry room in the basement (though thankfully all done). So I ran down there with the basket, ran up with the clothes, grabbed some random articles of clothing, and rushed to take a shower. By that time it was 8 and by the time I got out of the shower it was nearly 8:30, which is extra late. So I ran downstairs, ate a quick breakfast of pancakes (I couldn't finish because of time), ran back upstairs to get ready, and shoved all my papers in my binders and packed my kitbag only to pick it up and have the strap snap on me. And not the material part of it but the actual plastic that held it together. So I rushed around the room tyring to find something to hold in all my books and finally found my old kitbag from last year (a shoulder one instead of a backpack), shoved all my books in, and ran downstairs and out of the door, not even taking a lunch because I was so late. I near ran to the school and when I got there I was *just* in time to make it without a late. As in the teacher was about the close the door. But i made it!

Wow I just realised I described my morning in great detail, and that was only a few hours. If you thought I had a life, well I'm pretty sure I just proved you wrong haha.

I will speed things up. School was good. English we finished the Macbeth movie (oh my there are a lot of nude scenes), math I started to understand (yes!), chemistry I realised I had no clue (and there's a test tomorrow! err today!), and canadian history we went to the computer lab and I finished the assignment a whole 3 minutes before it was to be handed in (which is actually pretty good). After school I got home, Friend taught me how to roll scallops in flour (you put the flour in a plate and you take a scallop shake the excess water off and roll it around), had supper, did some homework, and then WENT TO YOUTH GROUP.

Which as you can tell was the main highlight of my day. Not only because it's youth group (which is the highlight of my middle of the week anyway) but because tonight was the combined service, with diffferent youth groups from around pei coming. Lots of people = lots of fun. And it was! I got to see some people whom I normally wouldn't see and on Wednesday too. And we watched an awsome video. It was hilarious.. I would totally show it on here if I could but apparently you have to pay for videos like that and you would probably need the copyright and I don't have it and yeah... you will just have to come to youth group!

I would go on and on (you know I would) but it's getting REALLY late and I have yet to actually truly study for the chemistry test tomorrow. Oh dear.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006


No I have not ran into anything; I am not talking about that kind of post.

What I mean is to say:

Thanks to the blogger's help button, it showed how to put links on your blog. And so here they are, the blog links as promised, and also a few more. I actually kind of went around linking everyone because, well, I want to feel as if I have friends.

If I have missed your blog and you want it on let me know and I will put it on and if I have put your blog and you want it off let me know and I will put it off. And I apologize in advance to both.

So yeah, this IS laundry day and since I have yet to put a load in... well I will put a load in.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

my butt hurts.


Hello I am back and still on the subject of "P"

But this time it's for plastic surgery.

I was on Jen's blog (it's on my links!!) and was reading the one about the eyelash surgery. I had read it before but every time I wonder how some people would go to that extreme. Especially when you read the actual article and it quotes a woman with multiple plastic surgeries talking about how glad she is. I mean of course you want to look good and be attractive to other people, but if that crosses into going through operations to change your entire body... well where do you draw the line? I remember flicking through the channels and I saw this show and it was about these people who sent in videos because they weren't good looking enough and the show picked someone to do a full body makeover with surgery and everything. And this woman was so excited to be picked and to have it done, but when they interviewed her as she lay on the bed covered in bandages and recovering from the surgery, tears fell from her eyes (pretty mcuh the only part they haven't worked on) as she realised what a major decision she had made. She talked about her two little girls and how they would look at her and then look at themselves. "How can I live with myself after doing this?" she sobbed, "What are my girls supposed to think? My husband, will he ever look at me the same way again?" I remember watching it and my heart went out to her. It's so easy to succumb into the pressures that the world around brings. To be noticed and to be loved we have the impression that we need to be pretty.

But wait...
Psalm 139

1 O LORD, you have searched me
and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.

3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.

4 Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.

5 You hem me in—behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.

6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.

7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?

8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,

10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.

11 If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"

12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!

18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake,
I am still with you.

19 If only you would slay the wicked, O God!
Away from me, you bloodthirsty men!

20 They speak of you with evil intent;
your adversaries misuse your name.

21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD,
and abhor those who rise up against you?

22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
I count them my enemies.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.

24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.

I love this passage. It's not very long but it speaks so much. When I first read it a few years ago (at youth group actually) it blew me away. Though I don't have it memorized, I should because this is what I think of whenever I feel frustrated, alone, misunderstood, lost, ugly, and/or just plain crap. The part I italized when I read it I was in one of those stages (every girl has them, maybe even every guy too) where I was disgusted with myself. In my eyes I thought I was hideous and that no one would ever love me. And when I read it it dawn on me: "I am not a freak of nature; I am a creation of God, handwoven into who I am. God knew me even before He made me; He had my entire life mapped out before I even began it!" In other words, "God loves me just as I am!"

So who wants plastic surgery when the One who created the entire heavens and the earth so beautifully also created you?

If God thinks you're wonderful, why seek a second opinion?

^. -

Oh Where Oh Where Have My Math Skills Gone?

Where, oh where can they be?

Not even closely near me, that's for sure. Folks, I am close to failing math. Well not really; I have a 72.5% average right now and technically it's only the quarter mark of the semester. But 72.5% when you neeed an 85% or higher to get into university?! I might as well drop out!! Either way I will be dead. And report cards are coming out, which means that life is over.

Haha I am only joking, there is more to life than good grades but I bet they certainly help. Too bad life wasn't like the Matrix, where to learn something all you have to do is insert something in your head and wire it into your brain. Well maybe not that extreme... just a special pill or something. Eat this for Math 621B. Wow that would be nice. Can you imagine it? No homework or anything. School would be like a day long - if that. And you could crush up the pills and bake them into normal foods. English in a chocolate bar? Yes please!!

But all this talk about food is making me hungry. Especially for real chinese food. Noodles, dumplings, congee, fish.. even rice dumplings! I miss. Very much.

One day I will learn. But until then, I am stuck eating canadian food (very good but nothing like real chinese) and maybe some italian and lebanese, which are really good too. Lasagna and hummus? I drool already.


Well I am sitting in the computer lab at lunch with Courtney and Nancy (we all have no lives haha) and yeah... we are on hotmail and blogging. Except Nancy who is on some french thing at school.

Courtney just figured out how to blog (I taught her!) and once I figure out how to link I will put hers and other people's on here too.

I dont know what to write about, I am on computer number 29, which is not the crappiest computer out there but is also not the best one, considering I had to restart it because the blue screen kept popping up whenever I clicked on anything. So yeah, I am bored.

Well since this post is supposedly about nintendo, nintendo is what I will post.

Never having played that much of nintendo (or very good at it) I don't know much on the subject. But when I was on it I played mario and I died a lot. Robbie and Nathan (I will post their blogs when I figure out how too) were supposed to teach me to nintendo but they haven't yet x.x

Well today is the day back from the super-long four-day weekend and what did I do you may ask? Well I saw Saw III (don't ask it was scary) and Borat, which was hilarious but bring eyeshields because you will need it in some parts. Well I am basically copying Courtney now in what she is blogging about because we're sitting right by each other reading each other's blogs so yeah... I'm going. To the combined service at youth group tomorrow!!

*clap clap clap*
(Robbie and Nathan)

Monday, November 13, 2006


Well I was trying to think of something that started with M and this popped into my head. I have got to say that this is one of my favourite dances. It takes a while to get the hang of it but man is it fun. It is definitely underplayed at dances and other social events. I mean when else does the entire dance floor look like it came right out of a movie, you know those parts where everyone breaks out in the sweet moves?

Speaking of sweet moves, I'm hungry and going to head over to the candy stash. I think I see a mars bar or something...

Okay I'm back, bringing with me not only the mars bar but also crispy crunch, caramilk, kit kat, and reeses pieces. Which should I eat first? Decisions, decisions...

Speaking of tough decisions (boy I am on a roll tonight), I will have to make one soon. And me and decisions.. nuh uh we do not mix! But life is full of tough decisions and I guess this is just one of them. How I will make it I don't know. With lots of prayer I guess haha.

So anyways I am getting really tired and want to get up tomorrow morning to watch the sunrise. But that is only wishful thinking because it is going to be gray and cloudy tomorrow and since I have never seen it for all 17 years of my life (which is ever) I don't think I will see it tomorrow. But it would be nice.

Saturday, November 11, 2006



Today was (and still is) Remembrance Day, which is always a different kind of holiday. Most holidays are happy, and though it still offers a day off school, it is a time to be serious too and remember the sacrifices made so that we could be blessed with the freedom we have today.

Though the memories that I have of him are very faint, my grandfather on my dad's side fought in the war, though most likely on the other side. My mom's father might've too, but though I remember him almost slightly better I don't know anything about his life or even much about him. Most of my family history I get is what my brother tells me, which dad told him long ago, and he doesn't tell me very much. But it's different because on Remembrance Day you hear about all the things the soldiers went through and how they suffered and everything and though it is heartbreaking it makes you wonder about the other side. The side that lost. How devastating it must've been. I mean not everyone who fights in a war agrees with the war; most of them were forced to be in the army. And just because a country decides one thing doesn't mean the whole country agrees. If you think about it, it's only a few power-hungry individuals who made the decisions for the rest of the country, and from that all countries suffered. I can't help but cringe a little inside everyone someone blames an entire country or race for something that happened because really it is only those few people who are to blame, not everyone else. And because of it many harsh feelings arise.

There was this thing I read (or heard) about this guy who was one of the most powerful men in the Second World War and was actually responsible for carrying out efficiently the deaths of many many people. He was a huge figure and was greatly feared. After the War ended though, he was captured and put on trial. At the trial, a man who had either worked with him or suffered under him cried out and fainted right in the middle of it. He was revived quickly and when they asked him what was wrong he exclaimed, "He's only a man; he was so evil and yet that could've been any one of us!"

Last year for Remembrance Day a guy came into our school and he had been in a concentration camp and just listening to him it was almost heartbreaking the things he had said and the stuff he had to go through. But just as vividly as I remember him speaking, I also remember talking to my friend who was there too and she told me that there were wars where much more than 2 million people were killed. And that just shocked me into reality. I mean I don't know much about Chinese (or really any other asian country's) history but you'd think I would've heard about that. I mean two million people is absolutely horrible and even more than that is hard to imagine. And you don't hear of that anywhere. No notice is being taken of it. I don't know much about the asian holidays either, but I don't remember ever hearing about a holiday like Remembrance Day to honour and cherish the memories of those who sacrificed their life for us. We aren't the only ones suffering. Even today when you read the paper some of the stories you read are so sad... even ones in our own country (which is why I stick mostly to the funnies lol). But seriously, it's sad. And yeah... I am just going to go on and on and I don't even know where I am getting at anymore.

So on a brighter note - and this has nothing to do with the title of the post either - I went this morning to a Gaelic immersion thing today. A guy came in from Cape Breton and we spoke nothing but Gaelic from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. And boy did my brain ever feel like exploding lol. But it was good. Gaelic is a fun language to learn and the fact that it's a dying language kind of makes it more exciting. Trying to get your mouth around some of the pronounciations can be pretty fun too haha. But like any other language, there is a history behind it, and learning about that and their old ways of life gives it more depth and meaning. Like the songs we learn to sing, especially the milling songs. When the class went to Cape Breton last year we actually got to do some milling and sing along, which was pretty cool.

And yeah, that's all I'm saying for today. My brain is fried and I'm gonna head downstairs to see if there's anything to eat to go with it.

Mar sin leat! (mar-shin-let)!

Some funny Gaelic phrases that you can say to all your friends!
[pulled off some googled gaelic site]

  • "An toir thu dhomh pog?" (Un TUH-r oo ghawnh pawk?) "Will you give me a kiss?"
  • "Cha toir, ach bheir mi dhut sgailc!" (Chah TUH-r, ach vehr mee ghoot skahlk!) "No, but I'll slap you!"
  • "Cò an caora sin còmhla riut a chunnaic mi an-raoir?" (Kaw uhn KEU-ra shin KAW-la root uh CHOO-nik mee uhn-royer?) "Who was that sheep I saw you with last night?"
  • "Cha b'e sin caora, 'se sin mo chèile a bha innte!" (Chah beh shin KEU-ra, sheh shin moe CHYEH-luh uh vah EEN-tchuh!) "That was no sheep, that was my spouse!"
  • "'S toigh leam briosgaidean gu mòr!" (STUH LUH-oom BRISS-kaht-chun goo MAWR) "I like cookies -- a lot!"


Okay I give in... I have to at least say SOMETHING that has to do with the title of the post. Lions are adorable. The Lion King movies are great. Elton John for one of his music videos got to play with an actual lion cub... I'm so jealous.


Friday, November 10, 2006


It's pretty sad when everytime I make a new post I have to sing the alphabet, to make sure I have the right letter haha. But then again, songs are how I remember things for some reason. Like months, days of the week, and even the male reproductive system, which comes in handy in classes like family life and apparently grade 12 biology, which I have yet to learn.

So the topic of today is kites, which was the pretty much the only thing I could think of this fine school-less morning that started with K.

Kites are great. Have you ever gone out and flown one? Because if not I strongly encourage you to go out on a nice windy day and try it. But watch out for those power lines.. I hear those suckers hurt.

I remember for some kind of project in school in grade 5 (when I first moved to PEI) my friend and I made a kite out of dowels and paper. It was pretty cool and we got to test it out. What you do is you fasten two dowels (one longer and one shorter) together in a t shape, cut out paper in sort of a diamond and you staple it on the wood, and in the middle where the dowels join you attach a long long long piece of string, wrapped around some kind of handle. Then you add a tail made out of ribbon or something to the bottom t of the kite for some decoration and there you have it, a homemade kite! I'm sure you can make fancier ones and find a whole whack of different designs if you google it, which I would love to try somtime. Once I get time. I've been trying to do some more crafts stuff because I love doing them but lately I've never gotten around to it. I have 3 big puzzles still in their bags from like 3 months ago, and a bunch of webpages of neat project ideas you can make with paper and glue but I havne't gotten around to it either. It seems liek I'm going to have to wait until I retire to get things done. Which is a period of my life I must say I am certainly looking forward to. No school, no work, just being able to do whatever whenever and even however. Ahh... that must be the life.

So yeah, back to kites. There are some really cool ones out now. Like big dragon and dinosaur ones, to like even superman! There was a show called "The Busy World Of Richard Scarry" which was on like all the time and there was this episode where they made a kite and the worm got to fly around in it, it was so cool. Except something happened and string broke or something, I can't remember. But it looked amazing. It's funny the shows you watch as a kid. Like Barney I used to love, and yes I will proudly admit it, but now they changed it so much it's not good anymore. Rupert, I used to watch too, along with the disney cartoons. There was even a Hello Kitty show, with a frog one right after it which was cool. Oh and the animaniacs, you can't beat them. No matter how hard some people might try haha.

If I had a tv in my room and a kitchen and a washroom, I would never leave. Did you know there are actual people who barely take a step out of their homes though for real? Like to joke about it and to do it are two very different things. What would it be like to only view the outside world from a window or a screen, and to have no face to face human interaction, if any. How would your views of the world change? Technology is great, but I find it separates us from real human interaction. Right now instead of blogging I could be out there greeting the world. But instead I am sitting my bed by myself (obviously) and typing away on a little laptop which is on a book to lessen the fact that at any moment it could overheat, catch fire, and explode, right in my face.

So kiting? Yes. It's something that everyone should do, at least once or twice (or a bunch of times) in their life. Even if you dont'want to make a kite, you could always go out to the nearest store - even dollarstores and convenience stores have them, they are that important - on a nice windy day and get one. You will not regret it, trust me.

Well I'm off to greet the world. Hope you have a wonderful and enjoyable day!

If you haven't made a box already, Operation Christmas Child goes in this Sunday. What a better excuse to do some shopping than to shop for someone who actually needs it? You could even (to match with this blog) send them a little kite that would fit in the box! But be sure to leave lots of room for other stuff, including toiletries like soap and stuff along with the other toys. You won't regret making a box either, trust me!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Just Wondering

About a lot of stuff. Life, love, people, places, etc. But 1 a.m. probably isn't the best of times to do heavy thinking.. especially when your alarm's set to 6 a.m. Which is in less than 5 hours..

Well goodnight!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I Am Worried

Well today I have been sitting on the floor in my room doing homework and procrastinating instead of on my bed or even on a chair. Why? I don't know, I guess I just like a change in perspective once in a while.

What that has to do with anything I don't know

Well I just got off the phone with my mom. And now that she knows I'm in grade 12, she has realised that I will be going to university next year. And, more importantly, of legal age to move wherever. Which, of course, means I will be moving in with her, right? I don't know. I had already made plans to move to Toronto with my dad, who has already graciously allowed me to only go to university for one year before being able to do what I really want (i.e. move back to go to MCC). But to try to explain this to my mom... I don't know. I tried and she got angry. I'm totally scared for her, I don't know where she is, what she's doing, or anything. And she'll call randomly just because I'm her daughter and I cna't make out half of what she's saying and the other half she is getting worked up about anything and everything and the last thing I want is for her to be angry because when she's angry who knows what will happen and she got angry and I don't know what will happen. What plans do I have for my life? I have no idea. I feel lost because I don't know where to turn, eveyrone's pulling me into so many directions all at once. I'm moving to Toronto next year - my dad has already made it clear. I love him to death but I don't know how I feel about moving back. And going to university. Going to university (especially the University of Toronto) was something I really wante to do, but just not so soon. As in I want to go for a year of MCC first. But mentioning it to my dad... well actually right now mentioning anything to my dad is hard because of the language barrier. I am losing more and more chinese and he is losing more and more english. Before we used to be able to get by with just the basics, but now... good thing Mike is home now to translate or else I would never be able to converse with him. Which is scary. I cna't talk to either of my parents. But yeah.. I'm worried about next year. If I move to Toronto that means I have to somehow explain to my mom that she will have to wait another year. Because if you know them you know that they do NOT get allong with each other at all. Like honestly, someone will get hurt, that is a fact. So the next best thing is for her to move to PEI when I move to MCC, which means I will have to rent an apartment for both of us, get a job so I can provide for both of us (now that she's not getting money from my dad anymore), and who knows what might happen? But to provide for two people would need a full-time job and that means I cna't go to MCC, and I know my dad won't foot the bill for both. And plus I'm scared of what might happen if I do go to MCC while she is here. I mean I've lived with her before and gone to school and stuff and things went reasonably well but still... it's unpredictable.

I dont'know what's going to happen, I don't even know where or when or even how and why. But what I do know is this: I've got to stop worrying (like it's not doing any good anyways) and remembering to put my trust in the One holds it all in His hands (i.e. God). For those of you who wonder why I have F.R.O.G. in random places, it's because I want to remember to keep Forever Rely(ing) On God. It's hard going from being reasonably independent and relying on yourself and learning to rely on someone else and becoming totally dependent. Ahh deep breaths!

Whoo whoo whoo.

Well now that I have that over with I will get back to finishing my english and math. I hope the teacher does a homework check because there are FOURTEEN freaking questions and how she expects us to do it all in one night I dont'know. Maybe it's because we're lazy but also maybe because WE HAVE A FOUR PAGE SMALL FONT REVIEW SHEET QUESTIONS FOR THE ITS-GOING-TO-BE-FREAKING-HARD MATH TEST TOMORROW. Yes, that sounds like a good reason to me.

Tioraidh ma-tha! (see you later.. just thougth I'd throw in some gaelic in there, you know, sicne this is gaelic month and everything). How to pronounce? Cheer-ree ma-ha. Enjoy your new found Gaelic knowledge.

Newfound? Newfoun? Newfin? or maybe even Newfun?
How do you pronounce it?!

I was talking about Newfoundland by the way, in case you thought I was going whacko. Which I probably am...


Wow I guess for those of you who think I can't speak english just proved your point. I kind of did the alphabet wrong.. the previous post was supposed to be "H" but instead I thought F came after G. And actually H would've worked better because history starts with H. Right? Right?

Okay I will shut up now.

Maybe I should go back to my homeland lol.

Except that I forget that language too...

Oh man.

Fanadian History

But really it's Canadian History, but I couldn't think of anything that starts with F that has to do with this class. for once, I finished the research assignment on time, and even before the class is over so now I'm enjoying not doing anything for the next... 10 minutes.

Well that was fun.

Monday, November 06, 2006


If you are wondering what I am so worked up about, I will explain in a moment. But be warned - what you read here may shock you; it may even turn the world as you know it upside-down.

This is no laughing matter.

This is math.

You don't have to be a genius in math to understand the basic concepts. 1+2=3, 3.5>3.1 and so on. And when you hear the number 0.9(repeating), everything you've ever known tells you that it is smaller than 1, right? I mean, after all, no matter how big you make the number (0.9999999999999999999999), it's never going to match up to 1. It's just not possible!

WRONG. According to my math teacher, who is like a math genius (though surprisingly not the only one in our school), in reality 0.9(repeating) does equal 1. And here is the proof he uses to back it up:

1) 0.9(repeating) is the same as 0.3(repeating) times by 3, right? And 0.3(repeating) when you put it into fractional form it becomes 1/3, right? If you aren't sure, check with your calculator. If you type in 1/3 it gives you 0.3(repeating). So if you add 1/3 to itself 3 times, which is multiplication, what do you get?

which equals 1.

It's it crazy? Is it creepy? It is, but it's true.

2) Here is the second reason he told us, although he had me a believer on the first one. If you take 0.9(repeating) and add any number to it, you will end up with greater than one. Don't believe me? Try the smallest number you can think of. What about 0.0000000000000000001. Remember that number.

It seems to give you one! Horray, the world is right again!
But wait... it's o.9(repeating). Which means there are more 9's after it....

So as it turns out:

If you add even the tiniest number to it, you will get greater than 1. Which shows that it must be one. It must be.


Where does Mr. Murley come up with this? How can this be possible? It's not! Common math logic plainly states that it's not. In 0.9(repeating) the 9 just keeps continuing, it never should reach 1. And yet... it does. For some reason it does.

This is like saying that the 1+1=2 which have been drilled into you your entire life, was just proved to be false. How do you live with that? How can you go on?

Sometimes concepts are not easy to wrap our heads around. I find that a lot with stuff, especially when learning about God. Questions arise, and I try to figure it out with my own common logic. How could He possibly be everywhere at once, listening to everything, doing everything. And how does He let us be able to do what we want and when we mess up still make that into his plan? Even from the very beginning, I found it hard to wrap my mind around how God is able to just speak things into existence. I guess when using just common sense you tend to think of it in worldly terms - human terms. We ourselves can't do it, so how could it be possible that anyone else can? But funny thing about life: it is so much bigger than ourselves.

I remember someone talking about what heaven is like, and talking about how John says the streets are paved with gold and the sea glitters with diamonds or something like that (don't shoot me if I'm wrong haha I should really go and double-check, or better yet, read it again). And you think, oh well that sounds.. fancy? But really, John just got a glimpse of heaven, and he's trying to describe it in human terms. And he can't! He saw something infinite, something totally and incredibly amazing, and trying to put it down as finite, as something that we can understand. Because really, I don't think any of us on earth right now have ever seen heaven. I know I sure haven't. So poor John, left with this difficult task, does the best thing he can and uses the most glorious and precious things that the earth was considered to have. Gold now is pretty and all, but it's not really a big thing. I mean I have a gold necklace, and it's nice but in reality, something silver is more to my taste. White gold maybe? But back then, gold was tremendous! A whole different culture. And for entire streets to be PAVED with it - well that would've seemed pretty cool. And diamonds. Well I'm just guessing here, but if gold was a big deal, then diamonds would've probably knocked their socks off. I mean, it's very strong, very hard, and very pretty. And for entire seas to be filled with them... well if you have ever stood on the edge of a beach you get a glimpse on just how big the sea is. Can you imagine what John must've seen in real life if that was how he described it in limited terms? It's hard to wrap your mind around it.

Which reminds me, I totally went off topic there. Wow. Well seeing as it's almost 11 and I'm getting pretty tired (I've had no sleep for the past few weeks? Months? Years?!) so I guess I should be getting ready to go to bed.

I just got a new calculator (a SHARP advanced scientific one, the EL-520W) and I'm trying to think of designs I can put on it, you know, to give it the little zip it needs. It's an upgrade from my other one, the EL-510R, which was also new (I only got it at the first of the year) because my last one somehow got lost in Walmart. But I had spent a lot of time working on my last one, and I admit I have some emotional attachment to it. On the back I had drawn a red kite flying over a city, the scene from the new Downhere CD and written a line from their song "Little Is Much," little is much when God's in it, and everything, as well as drawing a swirly sun, the same from the one before it, you know, as sort of a tribute. But I think I wasted all my creativity on that calculator and now can't think of what to put on my new one...

Actually when I was writing that out, the part about the swirly sun, I thought, well why not continue that? Not the sun I mean, but using a scene from the previous calculator - you know to keep it going. So since the sun is already duplicated, I might do the kite scene. And now the calculators will sort of lead into each other. Cool or what?

I am such a nerd.

For Sale

Well as of today, the house where I have lived for the past few years in PEI is officially for sale. When I came home from school, there was a sign on the lawn and everything. You try not to get too attached to a house - I mean it's just a thing right? But a house is also your home, and there's so many memories involved. Like I'm not sad or anything, just... it's different. I remember when dad sold the house in Toronto, that we've had for years. I mean it was my first real home in Canada and I remember so many things there. I make it sound like I am depressed but really I'm not. They're thinking of building another house - a smaller one out in the country - and I'm excited to see that come about. It should be interesting haha.

I think if I had my own place, I would like to live in a condo. The big ones though that look like a house, with levels and everything. There's a lot of benefits such as security, elevators, and stuff like that. But then again that means my dream dream home (the one that I drew plans for) I would have to give up. Not that I wasn't going to anyway, but when you change dreams you still have sort of an attachment to the old one. Knowing me, I'll probably end up living in some old shack lol.

I'm not sure exactly where I'd want to live for the rest of my life. I'm thinking PEI is a nice place to have kids, and plus since I went to school here I would know all what my kids are doing and stuff haha. For a while I was thinking of moving to Montreal but this way it gives me an excuse to vacation (and in Toronto too!). Why am I thinking and planning all this stuff now? Because I'm bored. And I have nothing else to talk about, except maybe that school went by really fast today, which is great and I hope it continues.

Well homework for tonight is to catch up on all the math homework I havne't been doing from last week and to do the huge review sheet for the test on Wednesday. And to read Phillipians for class tonight. Wish me luck!

Oh and for those of you in my English who ask me about the test? It wasn't that hard but the matching.. holy crap! Some of the quotes had nothing to do with the circumstances and I read it and was like WHAT IS THIS?! and it was frustrating. And I forgot the bonus question. I think maybe Fleance might've been the one suspected of killing Banquo but I'm not sure. I passed in my test and totally forgot about the bonus question and when I got up to ask if I could get it back the bell rang. So that is what I think, what did you think of the test?

I just realised I told no one about this blog and so even if you were in my english class you wouldn't be able to read it, so that was a waste of a paragraph. Oh I lied - I told Robbie. Actually there is a link to this blog on his, so if you want to go on my blog you can go there from his. Except that if you are already reading this, chances are you are already on my blog. Does that even make sense?

What else did I sniff in chemistry class?

Sunday, November 05, 2006


No I am not Albert Einstein, but I have figured out how to change templates without making more work for myself. The solution? Just copy and paste from my old one! Wow, I know. But anyways, I'm going to go back to what I'm supposed to be doing, i.e. study for Macbeth test tomorrow. Why does school have to ruin perfectly good weekends?

After I changed it I realised that I didn't want it. At all. So I deleted it and am now back to square one. So much for strokes of genius...


There's this song called "Daisy" by Switchfoot. I'm listening to it right now on my mp3. Here's how it goes:

Daisy, give yourself away
Look up at the rain
The beautiful display
Of power and surrender
Giving us today
When she gives herself away

Rain, another rainy day
Comes up from the ocean
Give herself away
She comes down easy
On rich and dead the same
When she gives herself away

Let it go Daisy, let it go
Open up your fist
This fallen world
Doesn't hold your interest
It doesn't hold your soul
Daisy, let it go

Pain, give yourself a name
Call yourself contrition
Avarice of blame
Giving isn't easy
Neither is the rain
When she gives herself away

Daisy, why another day?
Why another sunrise
Who will take the blame
For all redemptive motion
And every rainy day
When he gives himself away

Let it go Daisy, let it go
Open up your fist
This fallen world
It doesn't hold your interest
It doesn't hold your soul
Daisy, let it go

Let it go
Let it go
Let it go
And you let it go, go
Let it go

Let it go
Let it go, go
Let it go
Let it go

Whenever I hear this song I think of a little daisy in a little corner of the pavement when it's pouring. The daisy is struggling to fight against the world it's been placed in, but finally just opens up and embraces reality.

The words I don't understand I'll put on here, courtesy of (such a useful site!)
contrite - filled with a sense of guilt and the desire for atonement.
avarice - insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth.

Funny the words/things that pop into your head when you start with a letter. I mean, D could've stood for anything: duel, dice, dry, dracula, doofus, etc. But instead what popped up was daisy, along with the song.

Daisies are such a beautiful flower - sweet, simple, and cheerful. Here is a picture below:

Saturday, November 04, 2006

C is for CANDY

Well since it's after Halloween and all, I figured C should stand for candy. Candy is good, candy is great. Candy is what we appreciate. There is something addictive about candy. For those people who don't eat a whole lot of candy, they don't like it at first. But if they keep eating it, they'll get used to it and begin to enjoy it more and more. So if you think about it, candy is like an acquired taste. Which makes it sounds formal and fancy, like olives (which are nice treats too).

Chocolate, a type of candy, is especially good. There is something soothing about a real good melt-in-your-mouth, creamy, delicious piece of chocolate. And, as studies have shown (I actually wrote an essay on this) chocolate is good for you. Well actually it's really dark chocolate that's the best for you but hey, chocolate's chocolate right? And don't even get me started on chocolate fondue. That stuff is amazing. On strawberries, pinapple, pears, bananas, pretty much anything. Oh yum.

Speaking of bananas, that should be the theme for this fall. You know one of those things that just keeps popping up everywhere? Well bananas are everywhere this fall. It all started one day when there must've been a sale on bananas because I came home and there were lots. A week later, because we weren't eating them fast enough I guess, it was made into banana bread. Then, in history class of all places, what do we talk about one day but - that's right you guess it - bananas! About how those brown specks in the middle of them are actually what's left of their seeds. Scientists are very worried because bananas are so genetically modified that they are basically all the same and so if a disease comes in it would spread to all the banana trees and since they have no seeds you can't plant banana trees, which takes 25 years after the tree matures for it to grow bananas anyway. And then I went to the Junior Achievement meeting (which was.. interesting) and what idea does one person keep referring to but bananas! Banana chips, banana belts, banana everything! And you think that's amazing but the other night I was out and what do I get called but a banana because my skin is yellow! Oh my that sounded racist but I assure you it's not, it was just my friends and we joke about our colour all the time, because it's PEI and we're like as multicultural as you can get lol. But anyways, bananas are everywhere and now I'm craving candy, chocolate, bananas, and just food in general.

But it's late and I have church in the morning so I will let myself get some sleep.. considering I have to wake up extra early because of laundry (I am such a rebel, doing laundry on the wrong day... shh!)

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