Sunday, December 31, 2006

My Deepest Secret

It's the last day of the year 2006. I guess this is as good a time as any to finally get it out in the open. For my whole life I've been keeping quiet, not telling anyone. Not my family, not my friends, not even my counsellors. But 2007 is the year I graduate from grade 12. 2007 is the year I turn 18, and therefore become an adult. And somehow, keeping something like this inside can become overwhelming at times. I don't know why I've never told anyone. Fear of the consequences, of what others might do and think I guess is a big reason. But that seems so cliche it hardly seems like a reason at all. For my whole life I've lived as if it were the contrary, as if it never bothered me at all. And really, it seems to work. No one has ever suspected it, or at least have called me up on it. No one has even mentioned it to my face. As I write this I almost have second thoughts about putting it down; even if it's just on my blog which no one really reads. I mean, do I really need to tell people? I've kept this to myself for so long.. maybe it's better if I just keep it that way.

No. I can't chicken out. I made up my mind and I'm going to say it. I won't give in. I won't back down. It's now or never. *deep breath* Here goes:

I hate the taste of haddock.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Online Communication

Msn messenger is great; it's such a fast and easy way to communicate with others, especially with others that are far away. But one thing I dislike about it is that because it's so easy it can push out other methods of communication such as the phone and other stuff. Maybe it's just me but somehow typing back and forth to someone just doesn't have the same effect as talking to someone on the phone or, better yet, meeting up and talking with them in person. Call me old fashioned but I would rather have a visit from someone than a popped-up conversation screen any day.

Oh and speaking of popped-up conversation screens, if you have Skype (which is so cool because not only is it useful for calling long distance without charge, has instant messaging, and can send texts, but it's also made in Taiwan!) one of the downsides of it is that anyone can send you an instant message whether they are on your contacts list or not. At random times I've all of a sudden had someone write "hello" to me that I have no idea who they are. And what do you say to that, because you don't want to be rude and not talk just because you don't know them (there is a real person on the other side of that computer screen) but at the same time you don't want to talk because frankly, you don't know them. And when I say "talk" I mean "type," because really you aren't actually talking, just typing. Because as convenient as it is, typing is so much more impersonal than actual talking. Just like a picture of a box of chocolates is much less satisfying than an actual box of chocolates.

See what I mean?

Speaking of which, if I don't stop myself I will go through this entire box before suppertime! x.x

Anyways, I'm going back to Shakespeare. For those of you wondering why I've been reading it so much it's because Florine bought me a huge book (about the size of the old history textbooks, you know those whoppers that they got rid of?) of the complete works of Shakespeare. It's a nice book actually, with a ribbon bookmark and gold-leafed pages which are a nice touch to any book, and it's got all of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets and even some biographies, so it's pretty cool. And the plays aren't actually as hard as I thought they would be to read them, even without those helpful explanations on the side of the school copies of the plays. I find the best way to read them (for me anyways) is out loud because otherwise I'll just go through it and not even realise what it's saying. Actually reading out loud for me means quietly whispering to myself because there are other people in the house haha.

So far I'm in "The Third Part Of King Henry The Sixth," which, as you might have guessed, is about King Henry The Sixth. But the first part had Joan of Arc in it, and you might find this funny because she is so famous and well-known but when I first read it I had no idea who she was except from The Simpsons episode where Lisa plays her and Milhouse is King Charles and the only part I really remember about Joan of Arc was at the end where she is captured and is about to be burned at the stake and then Lisa gasps and asks if she really is burned and then Marge comes along, rips the page out of the book that Homer was reading from, makes up some story about how Prince Charming comes and they ride off into the sunset, then shoves the page into her mouth and eats it, exclaiming "Well at least it's easier to chew than the Bambi video!"

But in the play she's depicted as just some girl who through her fancy speeches, gets Charles (Dauphin) to become captivated by her and do everything she says, though his friends sort of look on in disbelief. She wins some battles and the French are hopeful but then when she gets captured she rejects her father (who had tearfully gone to see her) and tries to get out of her punishment by saying how she is virtuous and then, when that doesn't work, she goes on about how she was pregnant and by different people each time, and the English are finally like ugh just kill her already.. Shakespeare really isn't that accurate (read his play on Macbeth and then read what actually happened; half the characters aren't even there in real life!) but it's kind of hard to tell what's real and what's not just by reading it without the background and so I asked Florine what made her a hero because in the play she sounded sort of like a fraud and she said that in real life Joan of Arc gave hope to all the people in France and helped them become more independant and fight for themselves. And then when I wikipediaed her it talked about how brave she was and how they put her through this huge false trial and how she endured it and through it all she was so smart. About it they wrote:

The trial record demonstrates her remarkable intellect. The transcript's most famous exchange is an exercise in subtlety. "Asked if she knew she was in God's grace, she answered: 'If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me.'" The question is a scholarly trap. Church doctrine held that no one could be certain of being in God's grace. If she had answered yes, then she would have convicted herself of heresy. If she had answered no, then she would have confessed her own guilt. Notary Boisguillaume would later testify that at the moment the court heard this reply, "Those who were interrogating her were stupefied."

So anyways, I'm going back to read the play; it gets pretty exciting as it goes on and you wonder what becomes of everyone; although some of my favourite characters they killed such as Lord Gloster who was so nice and one of the very few not power-hungry. And also smart too, as you can see in a hilarious scene in the second part. Read it, because I'm going to haha. Oh never mind, I'm being called down to supper. Even better!

Friday, December 29, 2006

On The Subject Of Animals

It's amazing how much animals are like people. So often they are viewed as being alive but without feeling that it just blows you away just how alike they are to us. Birds will fight to the death to defend their children, elephants will bury and mourn the death of a loved one, beavers will remain faithful and care for one mate for the rest of their lives. I just got thinking about it after going down to get a drink of water and poor Max was there in the kitchen by himself and was so lonely he followed me around and round wanting to be paid attention to (Friend was on the computer and Florine was up in her room) and so I sat down with him and for a good fifteen minutes reassured him with hugs and pets and was rewarded with kisses. A lot of people find it gross to be licked by a stinky old dog because they lick their butt and stuff but really a dog's mouth is cleaner than a person's. Which when you think about it too much makes you wonder what exactly is in your mouth if your mouth is dirtier than a dog's butt! :P

Max reminds me so much of those old men who haven't quite got it all together anymore. He is pretty dependent and is forever scared of getting left behind. Ever since Merlot was gone he has become even more confused and is anxious, I guess, because he thinks we'll leave too. And he has taken up her old habits of waking up in the middle of the night scratching at the door; except when we go downstairs he seems to forget what for and will just sit on the kitchen mat and just look around. Can animals have mental illnesses? I think so. They can certainly be scarred mentally, so it doesn't seem like such a big stretch. I remember Bill, who before he lived with the Herrings was beaten and left outside on a chain and as a result he was always so timid and scared to mess up that Jon taught him to chase cats just so he could not be so obedient all the time. Though he was smart enough to know not to mess with Barney, because even though she was small for even a cat and Bill was a big dog she would take nothing from anyone and certainly kept all three dogs in their place. Even Merlot, bold and outspoken, feared her and when Barney would tease them by rubbing all against them and purring she would stiffen and stay still as a statue while her eyes grew wide with uncertainty. It's funny how they all were so close-knit; even Barney secretly missed the dogs when they were gone and when they returned she would be on her best behavior around them for a while (i.e. not teasing or swatting at them).

Whoever said that
animals don't have feelings
has obviously never been around one.

Fubu shirt - $52. Rocca Wear sweatshirt -$129. Sean John hat - $40. Realizing you're white - priceless.

On a totally unrelated subject..

VILLA PARK, Ill. (AP) - Someone got way more than the recommended daily serving of vegetables when a refrigerated trailer loaded with US$50,000 worth of broccoli was stolen.

The 15-metre trailer disappeared from its rented parking space in the Chicago suburb of Villa Park sometime between Sunday and Tuesday morning, police said. Det. Ed Zorich said the thief was probably after the trailer, not the vegetables. "What is someone going to do with that amount of produce?" Zorich said. "On the black market, I can't imagine that's something that's worth money to anybody."

Police entered the trailer into a stolen-vehicle database, but had no immediate leads.

"We have homicides happening in town," Zorich said. "We're not really looking for a truck of broccoli right now."

wow. that's a lot of broccoli.

Okay Just One More

You Are Changing Leaves

Pretty, but soon dead.
Umm thanks?
Haha those quizzes can be so fun to see what crazy thing you will get sometimes. Accuracy Smackuracy, they're just for fun!

Wow I had a little too much fun with the quizzes last night haha

Thursday, December 28, 2006

So Why Am I Still Doing This?

I have no clue.

Your Summer Ride is a Jeep

For you, summer is all about having no responsibilities.
You prefer to hang with old friends - and make some new ones.
But I don't even like jeeps!

You Are a Glazed Donut

Okay, you know that you're plain - and you're cool with that.
You prefer not to let anything distract from your sweetness.
Your appeal is understated yet universal. Everyone dig you.
And in a pinch, you'll probably get eaten.
But the plain ones are so boring! Okay maybe it does suit.

You Are "Dizzy and Giddy"
In other words I am on crack.

You Are 45% Normal

While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself
Why keep weirdness to yourself when you can spread it around?

You Are Strawberry Pocky

Your attitude: fresh and sweet
Comforting, yet quirky ... quietly hyper
You always see both sides to everything
I miss pocky.

Your Famous Last Words Will Be:

"Nice doggy."
But I like dogs! Oh.

Your Gluttony Quotient: 79%

Eating is not just a hobby for you - it's your life.
And while your friends do appreciate your good taste in food, they're a little disgusted by how fast you shovel it down.
Except I'm not a fast eater... so ha!

Your Learning Style: Personal and Passionate

You are very flexible and curious about the world. Human understanding is very important to you.

You Should Study:

Art history
Art therapy
Foreign Languages and Literature
International Studies
How useful for university!

You Are Sunrise

You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.
You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward.
Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.
All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be.
Umm I haven't even seen one..

You Should Drive a BMW

Refined and classy, you want a car that looks rich... and goes fast!

Your New Year's Resolutions

1) Get a pet skunk

2) Eat more nuts

3) Travel to Switzerland

4) Study cannibal cultures

5) Get in shape with water skiing
Those are really good. And just in time too!

You Are Socks!

Cozy and warm... but easily lost.
You make a good puppet.
I happen to like getting socks for Christmas.

You Are a Cadbury Creme Egg

You're the type that stole little brother's easter basket so that you could have MORE CANDY!
I have an older brother.. hello! :P

You Are 40% Nerdy

You're a little nerdy, but no one would ever call you a nerd.
You sometimes get into nerdy things, but only after they've become a part of mainstream culture.
What, I am totally nerdy!!

Your Scholastic Strength Is Developing Ideas

You can take a spark of inspiration and turn it into a full fledged concept.
You are talented at brainstorming, visualizing, organizing, and independent thinking.

You should major in:

Natural sciences
Computer science
Creative writing

You Belong in Summer

Energetic, creative, and very curious about the world...
You're not going to let anything hold you back, especially a cold day.
Whether you're chilling out at the beach or partying all night, you live for the warm weather.
Except that spring is my favourite season lol

You Should Travel to Japan

From freak sightings in Harajuku to awesome sashimi, you'll love Japan.
And who knows? You might end up on Japanese TV!
Cool but I was hoping it would say Taiwan haha

You Are a Boston Terrier Puppy

Aggressive, wild, and rambunctious.
Deep down, you're just a cuddle monster.
Aww I would be so cute!

For the twelve days of Christmas, your true love will send you:

Twelve robots drumming
Eleven carolers a-caroling
Ten midgets a-leaping
Nine ladies yodeling
Eight llamas a-milking
Seven eggnogs a-intoxicating
Six kittens a-meowing
Five golden coins
Four calling secret admirers
Three French tourists
Two Jesus action figures
And a fairy in a olive tree
That's awesome.


So after posting the last quiz Vinnie gave me a site with a bunch of other quizzes. So here I am, trying to up my white-and-nerdy status by posting a bunch of quizzes. Lucky you!

You Should Weigh 205
If you weigh less than this, you either have a fast metabolism or are about to gain weight.If you weigh more than this, you may be losing a few pounds soon!

Wow I like how they use a really skinny person for the picture.

You Are a Gingerbread House
A little spicy and a little sweet, anyone would like to be lost in the woods with you.

Umm not so sure about what it says but I enjoy making gingerbread houses so I guess that's a good thing?

You Are 56% Obsessive
You're somewhat obsessive, especially when it comes to a couple things (like horrifying thoughts or cleanliness).As long as your quirks aren't interrupting your life, it's all good.

How Obsessive Are You?

Wow that's lower than I thought I would get haha.

Your Wrath Quotient: 38%
Sometimes you get really angry, but nothing out of the norm.While you may wish someone harm, it's pretty unlikely that you'd actually do anything about it.
How Much Wrath Do You Have?

What a sucky wrath quotient. This needs to change.

Your Bumper Sticker Should Be
Anything worth taking seriously - is worth making fun of
What Bumper Sticker Should Be On Your Car?

too true.

You Are Somewhat Mature
You definitely act like an adult sometimes, but a big part of you is still a kid at heart.While your immature side is definitely fun, you're going to have to grow up sooner or later.
Are You Immature?

wow i am mature!

You Are Chinese Food
Exotic yet ordinary.People think they've had enough of you, but they're back for more in an hour.
What Kind of Food Are You?


You Are 40% Slacker
You have a few slacker tendencies, but overall you tend not to slack.You know how to relax when the time is right, but you aren't lazy!
Are You a Slacker?

What? This stuff is crap.

ONLY 34%?!

how disappointing.

A New Addiction

i love winter clothing such as hats, scarves, and mittens. They are so warm!! I missed the hat on sale at Old Navy though... it was purple and had braids, which was cool because I could pretend I had long hair again. Not that I miss it but it was still fun to wear. One day I will get out and have to buy real snowboots. Somehow the sneakers don't suit when there is snow outside. Oh and did I mention


and I think it's staying for real this time


Mostly About Tonight

Today I had the privilage of talking to someone from my grade seven days and also meeting with another friend from back then too. Morissa and I went out to eat at Formosa downtown. It's a Taiwanese restaurant and oh my they have bamboo rice!! It's the rice that's wrapped in the leaves... so good! AND they have bubble tea.. but only on Saturdays. If you get the hot milk almond tea though it's amazing. And comes in a nice big mug too :) But one thing I don't recommend: their dumplings. Let's just say I shoved spicy radish in my mouth along with it. And I ate only one. But other than that it was good. The bamboo rice was the highlight though; who knew you could get it on the Island?

We also went to Dairy Queen and did you know you could get sundaes covered in marshmallows? YUM. And the peppermint chip blizzard? YUM also.

Being home is nice, especially after being out. It feels so good to be sitting in jammies wrapped in a blanket in bed, surrounded by teddies. Okay well only one, but Polo is big enough to count as a few little ones haha. Oh and did I mention there is no school tomorrow? Holidays are so lovely.

Well I'm off to read some Shakespeare. Thank goodness for The Simpsons or I would have no clue about who Joan of Arc is. Henry the Sixth would be so confusing without it, though it is surprisingly easy to understand. Who knew that Shakespeare could actually make sense without all those helpful hints/explanations in the sides of the school texts?

Random Blog Post

I logged into Blogger, not really meaning to blog but just on anyways and accidentally clicked into someone else's blog. It turns out it was this guy in Tongo, Africa with the Peace Corps, and I only read this one post because I have to get ready to leave right now but it was so interesting I thought I should blog it. This is what he wrote:

The other day a fellow volunteer told me an interesting story that I felt sums up much of our job as Peace Corps Volunteers.

A couple weeks ago she was sitting at the market drinking the local beverage, chouck (I’ve written about it in past entries… I think there is even a picture of me drinking it somewhere in the archives.) A little girl (probably 5 or 6 years old) and her mother were there as well, sitting a few feet away. My friend saw the girl point to her and ask a question to the mother. We are all very used to being talked about and she thought nothing of it.

Again the little girl asked something of the mother and pointed at my friend. This time the mother got up, and slightly sheepishly walked over to where my friend was sitting and asked, “I’m so sorry to bother you, but, my daughter has never touched white skin before. Would you mind if she touched you?” My friend being the good sport she is thought for a second and said, “Sure.”

The mother motioned to the girl who timidly approached my friend, slowly put out her hand and touched the white arm. Her eyes went large and she quickly pulled away. She stood there, staring at my friends arm, and finally reached out to touch it again.

This time she gave it a few strokes then looked up and said to her mother, “It’s the same as black skin!”

There are times in Peace Corps when I become consumed with my work. When that work isn’t going quite so well I get depressed and begin wondering why I am even here. Then there are the little day to day exchanges like the one my friend had that bring me back to reality and remind me of my real job.

I thought that was so cool. I can't imagine what it would be like for him to go all the way over there and do something like that. If you want to read more of his blog, go here:

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

First off I would just like to say I hope you had a very merry Christmas this year!

Sorry I wasn't able to keep up with the post-a-day thing. But I do have an excuse: my internet wasn't working on Christmas (I was talking to two different technical support people/companies so it's true) and the next day when it worked again (all by itself) Friend was on the computer and I wasn't able to get on or switch it to wireless, but Jon was leaving the next day (which was this morning at 2 am) and they were trying to find a flight for him in the evening instead because he found out he could've stayed an extra day so I didn't want to try putting up the wireless then because it might've taken some time. But when I did it after I got home today it took no time at all; I guess since I've done it a lot I pretty much know how to do it, including finding out your ip and typing it in the address bar to get the screen thing and stuff.

But really, I'm sure it was nice to have a break; my life isn't all that interesting anyways haha.

So what did I do for the past two (three, including today) days? Well on Christmas Day I woke up at 10 a.m. and then at noon we drove over to Josie's to have Christmas dinner at her new place. The food was good, the company was good, everything was good, and we stayed there until around 7 in the evening. That's when we went back home and ate leftover chinese food and then around 8 opened presents. I got to be santa, which means wearing the hat and handing out the presents; I was like yesss! It was an exciting moment haha.

I did absolutely nothing on official Boxing Day. All the stores were closed and oh yeah it started snowing!! Wow it was nice out, with big puffy flakes and everything. I wanted to go outside and like hug it, but at the same time I was scared it was going to snow too much because Jon was leaving the next day and he was leaving from Moncton. But it stopped eventually though which was good and then I stayed up past 3 a.m. reading because I thought he was leaving at 3 so I stopped reading and was listening for them to get ready except I couldn't hear anything and by the time it was 4:30 a.m. I fell asleep.

I woke up at 6 though and at 8 talked to Courtney and at 9 went to get ready to meet her halfway to go Boxing Day sale shopping over at Old Navy, where we went crazy. Except that my bag came up to over and above what I had at the moment and so I put it on hold, except that I wasn't even able to get back to it later today so all the stuff I put on hold is now gone :( Oh and it turns out that Jon had left at 2 a.m. and because I wasn't listening then I totally missed him and didn't get to say goodbye, which sucks. But hopefully I will see him again before the summer and I will make sure to say goodbye then haha. So anyways Melissa came over to meet us at Old Navy and then we went to Wendy's (surprise surprise) and then to the mall for a bit, where we witnessed the drop and run of someone who apparently had stolen something and then on the way out saw a security guard coming in and then dropped the bag he had and bolted from the mall. It was quite interesting. Then we went to Courtney's and played her new American Idol board game (Courtney won because she knew the most about it; I only got second place because I was lucky and kept getting to pick up stars). After that we walked over to the Superstore to get some food and also visit a friend of Melissa's (who ended up not working there) and Courtney and I shared and ate an entire chicken (Melissa had a medium macaroni and cheese). It was so good and funny and gross at the same time but we were like still hungry afterwards. Then we went to the Rockets game against Bathurst and it was a good game. It got really exciting near the end because Courtney and I were both cheering for Bathurst and Melissa was left cheering for the rockets and so we were like all into it hoping that they would win. Except towards the end they kinda gave up and mostly checked, even though they COULD'VE won (it was only 4-3) but they didn't try so the Rockets did.

And yeah, that was my last few days... hope you enjoyed reading this extra long post to make up for the past 2 (or 3 including today) of blogging. ENJOY YOUR WEEK!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Eve

It's that time of year again - Christmas! Ín a way I still can't believe it's here. Maybe it has to do with no snow but wow, it's weird. I saw an old friend yesterday and we were talking about how slow time seems to go and yet fly by at the same time. Weird how that happens.

So I woke up today early and then remembered I was able to have a bit of a sleep-in before church today because there wasn't any Sunday school, meaning we get to leave the house an hour later (10:20 a.m.). Which doesn't seem like a lot but when you're missing out on sleep every hour counts! Church was good; wasn't as packed as I thought it would be since it was Christmas and all but then again a lot of people are travelling and stuff but it was good. Afterwards I was going to wrap presents because I hadn't done any yet but then after lunch Friend invited me and I had the privilege and pleasure of helping with shut-in communion. It was cool to be a part of something like that but it was so sad to see these people who some of them their kids don't even visit them at all. One woman hasn't seen or heard from her son in 30 years! It just blew me away; I mean, here we are with the blessings of being able to spend Christmas with our families and/or people we love and there are some people who spend it alone in a room when there is no reason that they should be. Actually there is no reason for anyone to be alone all the time, it just doesn't seem right. And yet these people whom I mentioned are still full of love and faith and it's absolutely amazing and inspiring to talk with them. So yeah, I was glad not to have missed out and wrapped presents instead (which is what I almost did). Afterwards we went to the evening service at Sherwood and it was good but totally different than what I expected. But then again I wasn't sure what I was expecting in the first place. Oh and afterwards, guess what blonde pony-tailed youth leader has on her finger on her left hand? Okay give up? Lisa got engaged!! Just today, which is so exciting. And I can blog about this, because I asked if I was allowed to tell people and she said yes so I'm telling everybody haha. But okay, before I go on and on about how happy I am for her I better say what happened for the rest of the day so I don't forget. After the service I got home, furiously wrapped presents and shoved chinese take-out (Josie had ordered it for supper) into my mouth, but by then it was almost time to leave so I only got one plate which like opened up the grumbly beast which is my appetite haha. But Friend invited me to go to Christmas mass over at the Holy Redeemer church right across the street from Colonel Gray and I had never been to a mass before so I really wanted to go to see what it was like. It was cool; it was like Zion where they had the ushers that led you to where you could sit and it was pretty formal and they had a choir on and everything. Except I didn't understand some of the stuff that was going on so I can't really give a real opinion on it but I was glad I went. It didn't end at midnight like I thought it would've, which was good because it started at 9 p.m. haha. And even though technically it's Christmas Day to me it is still Christmas Eve so in reality I am posting in Christmas Eve time, which makes me still on the a-post-a-day thing :P I would've blogged sooner but at exactly 12:06 a.m. I smelled this delicious smell coming from the oven and it turns out to be cinnamin rolls, which I was luckily able to sample at just 12:09 p.m., except I had to wait for it to cool which took a while.. But it was so worth it.. mmm I'm hungry again just thining about it! Well anyways I'm exhausted and Christmas IS tomorrow and so I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas season and a good Christmas eve night! :D

Saturday, December 23, 2006


I totally forgot to post yesterday, but I was lucky because on Thursday I wrote one so late that it ended up being on Friday so technically I'm still up to a post a day. But really, that was pretty lucky haha.

So what did I do yesterday? Friday was the last day of school for me, but since I was up LATE the night before thankfully Friend said I didn't have to go. So I slept in until around 9:30 (which was nice) but had to get up to do some work. Went to school anyway in the afternoon to drop off something for English, except the teacher wasn't there. Went out to the mall to start on Christmas shopping until 3:30 and then came home and went out again briefly before supper. We had a lobster supper last night and boy was it good. It was in honour of Jon coming back and so the Herring and Stewart family from Murray Harbour came in and also Moyo, who's birthday is today actually. I could go on and on about how good the food was but I'm starting to get hungry already just thinking about it so I better not :P

Today was a good day too. Went to bed excited after the supper because I didn't have to worry about doing any work for school the next day and I could sleep; ended up staying up late AGAIN. And even later than the night before. Rolled out of bed with barely enough time to get ready for the gift swap at Pizza Delight that was supposed to be at 12 but then changed the time to 12:30 because none of us were ready to go at 12. Katie came around and picked us up at 1 and took us there, where we made it just in time for the buffet, where we got the same waiter as last year and sat in the exact same place too! After the gift swap we all went shopping again and discovered this awesome store downtown by the antique shop (which was closed) called Home Accents. Everything was 50% off and wow I fell in love. After that we went to the mall, and then walmart, and then another quick stop at the mall (there was something I forgot to get) and then after another few stops we went home around 8:30 that evening. And so here I am and it's almost midnight and I'm about to watch Moulin Rouge which I downloaded because I heard it was amazing and I couldn't get it working with Windows Media but after downloading the extensions for Realplayer it's up and running now so I'm going to go watch it. Have a good night!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Wow It Is Late

So I have official permission to skip first period tomorrow morning (on account of nothing in school for the entire day) and I was happy because I told myself I was finally going to get enough sleep. That is, of course, until I took yet another break from studies and discovered the "Next Blog" button on the top of someone's blog. There are many dangers to venturing into the unknown. For one, you don't know where you'll end up. But curiosity got the best of me and I clicked it. And, finding the results not as horrible as I expected, clicked again. And again. And again. And so here I am, at 2:15 in the morning thinking to myself, what did I just unleash? But though I did happen across some questionable sites (the ones filled with the ads reading "Hate your wrinkles? Gymnastics for your face!" and etc), I also found some interesting ones, which I will be so nice as to share (is this your luck day or what).

Weddings are usually beautiful, made all the better with a good photographer. I like this one's sense of humour and wish my wedding pictures turn out this fun. Thankfully though, I still have a LONG ways to go before even thinking (seriously) about marriage haha.

There are a lot of interesting articles on this one, but I am a huge animal lover and thought it was such a neat story. And such a cute picture too :P

Here is something that is useful for keeping occupied in the moments where you want something quick and not too complicated to do. I just glanced through it briefly but it looks like there is quite a selection.

After reading this my desire for taking up knitting was rekindled. I am still disappointed Mr. K (the crafts teacher) wouldn't let me choose knitting for my extra project instead of having to fix up the elephant I blew up in the kiln. Not that I'm not glad I got to fix the elephant (I'm really glad I could.. it was such an interesting experience), but I wanted to learn how to knit. I think you can take classes at Michael's (the crafts store) or something but you have to pay for it and plus find a way down. But I think I will start looking in the flyers for a class like that again, just for something to take my mind of work work and more work during the Christmas break.

(I like how the blog I liked the best was the one that I wrote the least on haha)

Well it is 2:30 a.m. now and so screw everything I am going to clear off the bed and go to sleep. Until 6:30, which is when I make myself wake up to finish the rest of this work.


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Okay so I know this is my third post today, and right after I said I was going to go to work, but the wind is making something (or someone :S) fall and crash on my balcony outside and I am too freaked out to look. Actually I am just more lazy than anything haha. But wow what would you say/do/give if you knew you were going to actually die the next day? Something to think about...

Chocolate Is Good.

So it is 11:25 - no 11:26 p.m. and I'm sitting on a book balanced on top of a flipped over mini-garbage can (my chair is currently full of laundry, hence the improv seating), doing homework but really listening to the rush of the wind outside. And I realised I love it. I really enjoy late nights and writing nonsense and just curling up in bed listening to the world. But listening to the wind, it got me thinking about the different sounds of the seasons. In Canada we are so lucky to have all four. We are so lucky to be able to hear; imagine being deaf and not hearing

1. the crunch of snow,
2. the drumming of the rain,
3. the whoosh of the wind, and
4. the waves crashing at the beach.

But those are just the sounds of the weather. Imagine not being able to hear the hustle and bustle of the city, the streams of music both good and bad, the voices of the people around you. Even the click of the keys when you type on the computer are sounds that I know I would miss for sure.

Wow I went to blog about something completely different and ended up typing this. Go figure.

But I forget what I was going to say anyways, so it doesn't really matter.

Maybe this is a clue to get back to work?

New Beginnings

So today is the 21st - meaning the official start of winter! Except that it was beautifully nice out today with the sun shining so much that you didn't even need to wear a jacket outside (I know because I ran out the door forgetting to grab one) and all the snow is starting to melt again.

Today also marked the beginning of finally conforming and switching to the new blogger. I know, I know but hey, times are a'changing. Who knows, maybe they changed it from last time I was on. But after I post this I'll go around and explore, and let you know what I think. You know, because that's something everyone needs to know haha. (I'm just joking, by the way, in case no one picked up on the sarcasm)

Oh and today also marks when the title of the new Harry Potter book is released (thanks Katie!). "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows." Sounds... interesting haha. But it's Harry Potter, so I'm sure i't will be good.

So what did I do today? I went to school, where the only classes that we did anything was math where Mr. Murley wrote a couple of examples to copy down and gave us a math sheet.. except no one really did them. We did get to listen to his cd of bad Christmas music though. Bad Christmas music as in a cd he made of people singing Christmas carols who can't sing very well or used the wrong instruments with the song; it was grand. And in chemistry we had to do some questions (a BUNCH of questions actually) except I got stuck on number 3 and by the time explained to me how to do it and I recopied the sheet because I wrote in marker because I lost my pencil class was basically over and so I didn't do much beyond that lol. So really I did no work all day and I know for sure I won't be tomorrow :D

My laptop for some reason wasn't picking up the wireless and so I called the support line, where I got to talk to a really cool girl from the Phillipines (did you know it's 12 hours later over there?). She's only 24 but she's graduated with a bachelor of science and psychology. I love calling technical support; you get to talk to some interesting people sometimes. Why people get so angry and frustrated is beyond me. But I guess if you call you should be prepared to be on for a while, because that's usually how long it takes. The fact that I have no life though makes things so much easier :P

Well anyways, that was my day. How was yours? Comment, blog, call, or all three if you would like!

Also, today marks the 50th post! Well technically there's 51, but one I never got around to publishing yet.. from like last month haha. But feel free to stop by and with cake and presents; I won't mind :P

P. S.
Am I the only one (other than Jill) who updates on a regular day-to-day basis? I strongly encourage you to update also!! *hint hint*

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I am utterly exhausted and only blogging because I already said I would make a post every day. But I am too tired to open my eyes, let alone blog and write a research essay.

The day consisted of a skipped band concert, an awkward presentation in front of english, "How The Grinch Stole Christmas", a garbage can fire in which the school was evacuated, an unfinished "Horton Hears The Whos", lack of youth group, almost accident backing out of Shoppers (I hate parking lots), and working on a major major research essay of which I wish whoever lit the garbage can on fire would've burned instead. At least then there would be a reason for making everyone (except Zack...jerk) freeze outside in the cold while there is a perfectly warm fire burning inside by the library. If it wasn't for the beautiful snow I would smack winter upside the head. But you gotta take the bad along with the good, and so on and so on and now I'm going to go back to the essay.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Like A Dream Come True,

I woke up this morning to the sound of the man in the radio debating whether the snow that had landed this morning was going to stay on for Christmas or not. Scared to open my eyes in case it really hadn't snowed, I stayed in bed a little later than usual. But when I opened them, what a surprise! Instead of the white patches of snow that I had thought would come at best, the world was covered in a thick blanket of soft-fallen snow. This fact completely took the edge off the lingering sickness I felt, which made today even better than it would've been.

At lunch Nancy and I walked to Shoppers (did I mention the hour lunches this week? yess!!) and back, which was nice even though it was freezing because it was snowing light but abundant flakes - the kind that comes to a close second in my heart to the big fat flakes that makes it look as if you're in a snowglobe and are just the right kind for snowballs and igloos and all sorts of fun things like that.

School was good too, with every class (with the exeption of math and chemistry) letting up a little on the workload. I included english in this too even though I have the most work in it because the work I have yet to do is because I'm stupid and leave everything to the last minute. Tomorrow is when I present the book talk and finish writing the essay :S But at least I have a solid book now for the talk, since the book I was going to do I couldn't do and the two other possibility books I read about halfway through before realizing that I didn't even like them, even though they won a Pullitzer Prize and have been made into movies. So I stayed up LATE last night (3:32 a.m. I think is when I finally shut off the light) reading this book called "The Goose Girl," which is pretty much a fairy-tale complete with a princess and everything. It's a nice book though, and I know I'll have fun (or at least stress) picking out pictures for the collage I'm making for it as my visual prop.

After school, I also got a surprise call from my dad, which I was really happy to hear from. Him, his girlfriend, and Mike have been in Taiwan for just under a month now, and I haven't been able to get in contact with him since then. I wrote him an email but they never replied, but dad explained that the library stops you from checking your email over there (are they in Taiwan or China?) so he hasn't been able to see it. The conversation consisted of mostly asking how each other has been and my dad reminding me to keep taking vitamin c because he heard the cold in my voice. His voice was a little hoarse too, but he said he was feeling okay and I didn't pry. The likely story behind that was probably the fact that it was 4:12 p.m. here which made it around 4:12 a.m. over there, though he sounded wide awake and so was his girlfriend, whom I could hear a little bit in the background. No mention of Mike though but he did give me his number again so I could call him and talk to them more often :)

Wow I don't know why I wrote that, since whoever's reading this has probably never met my dad or brother and has almost zero probability of having met my dad's girlfriend, but I guess since it was one of the major highlights of my day I just feel the need to blog about it haha.

Another one will be Jon (Friend and Florine's son) coming home from Alberta for Christmas today. We aren't very close but I'm still happy to see him, and also happy for Friend and Florine who missed him a lot ever since he left and glad that he's able to take the time off to come here and be home. If the drive from Moncton is three hours, then he should be arriving around 7 tonight. Which means I've got a lot of speed-working to do if I want to have all of it done by then. Wish me luck!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Simple Pleasures

After coming home from school I was able to have the opportunity to sit down amid the usual hustle-and-bustle of the house with not only good food but also a good book. I stayed at the kitchen table, curled up in a sweater and reading for a good hour and a half. Funny the things you forget you love.

I could've stayed that way for hours and hours except I became too exhausted to read and so I turned off all the lights and made my way upstairs. But on the way there I passed by the Christmas tree, and it's so beautiful lit in a dark house I just had to stop. And then I saw the piano, and since Friend was gone and Florine was upstairs asleep I just had to play. So, retrieving the hymnal that was tucked away behind the stand, I started playing O Little Town Of Bethlehem. Except I haven't played in so long, so when I say "play" what I really mean is "stumble painstakingly through the song, repeating every other note at least once until I got it right." Thankfully no one was listening or they would've been covering their ears haha. But I forgot how much I had missed piano too and it was nice to be able to play again, no matter how bad.

So today held some nice little breaks from the usual school, eat, work, repeat that usually constitute what is known as my life :)

Also it's worth mentioning that I was congratulated for writing my gaelic letter on time, even though I thought I was one of the last. Which usually I am. But I guess I'm making up for it with English class, where I have both a research essay that I have to actually research and a book talk where I have to read the book (I changed the book I was doing as of, write the talk, and make a visual presentation, and they are all due on Wednesday. As in two days from now.

Oh and did I mention that I still have all my Christmas shopping to do? :S

But I plan to get that done on Friday... while skipping school.

They shouldn't even be HAVING school on Friday anyways. Actually, they shouldn't be having school this week since it's so close to Christmas and everything. But I guess the school board assumes that we don't have lives so it's okay if we only get out the day before Christmas Eve. Pfft.

What was I going to do again? Oh right, homework. Sorry for that last bit, I got a little cranky because I had realised I was out of fishermen's friends. Oh dear...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Sunday Before

The Sunday of Christmas Eve! So nervous for Christmas, I don't know when I'm going to get all the shopping done that I need to get done. It will have to be during the week I guess, and really the school lied: our Christmas break doesn't start until the 23rd! Because we still have school on the 22nd, when it's supposed to start >.<

But anyways, though it sounds like I'm having a really stressful holiday season, I'm actually not. Today was a really nice day. We went to church at Zion Presbyterian today for a change; they had a Christmas special on with their choir which was great. They had the big organ, harps, and a drum too and the church is beautiful - one of the oldest in Charlottetown, Friend said. We went there because Ethel (Friend's aunt) used to go there often with her husband. He's passed away now (I don't know for how long but before I came) but it's so sad to hear her talk about him, always adding "He's been gone for a while now. But I still miss him, you know." Her sister Minnie came too, she spends her life taking care of someone who needs it and hardly gets out herself. And here we were, Moyo and I, the "young" people in the group shivering and shaking from the cold, and here are these two little old ladies like Minnie who starts talking about how nice is it out and how she absolutely loves the cold weather and being able to be out and about in the city. They are both still so loving and grateful for what they are able to do, and it really makes you stop and appreciate the blessings you are given in life. Last night I was watching t.v. and there was an ad of this guy running down the streets, through and around the grocery store, and just running until he was too out of breath to continue, and then it read about this disease that within two years you lose the ability of your legs. Then the ad said "What would you do if you still could?" And I was like wow, that's a powerful message.

Late one night (sitting in Burger King) Courtney and I were asked the question, "If you could only see one colour for the rest of your life, what would it be?" It was a way of asking our favourite colour but the more I thought about it the more I was like whoa... that would be so horrible. I mean God could've just easily made things just one colour and that's it. But instead He chose to give us so much everywhere you look. I mean sure there's the normal red, blue, yellow, green, but there are so many different shades and textures and varieties and really it is amazing. We are so blessed. But I digress. A lot actually.

So anyways, after the service we went to Seatreat, which was fun. I only had the clam chowder because my throat was not all that recovered (I kind of made it worse by toasting a bagel this morning x.x) but it wasn't salty at all so it was good because it was easy to eat. The cheesecake for dessert, though it was not the best, was still pretty good and apparently at the Seatreat they have the "best fish & chips in town" which sounds like it would be fun to try sometime. Oh and before I forget, we all ordered a side-dish of calimari, which was deep-fried octopus. It arrived steaming hot and man was it good. So yeah that was my morning.

My afternoon will likely consist of hunkering down to do my studies because I hear there's some sort of Christmas concert on at the church (Sherwood) tonight. Oh and also, Friend found a radio station that plays nothing but Christmas carols, 104 fm. It's from away and it's weak in some parts but still it's good.

Well that's all I can think of to write about for today. Hope you have/had an enjoyable Sunday as well :)

From my heart to yours <3

Saturday, December 16, 2006


The tree is now not only up but decorated today, which was a beautiful sight coming down the stairs this morning. Or really, it was this afternoon, as I was too sick to do any sort of real getting up. Though I was up around 9 this morning for an hour because my throat hurt too bad to go to sleep. But did I mention that I love fishermen's friends? But I also hate them when they don't work. Anyway, the highlight of my day consisted of forcing myself to get up this afternoon about quarter to one so I could eat three poached eggs, some bread (softened by the poached eggs), have an attempt at juice, and also some warmed up milk. But right now it is taking all my energy not to go downstairs and have an attempt at the roast beef I am smelling because I know it will be hard eating it. But I have held off for two hours now (the only reason I am up) and I am weak-willed today.

So about that roast beef...

Friday, December 15, 2006

A Nice Friday

I went to school and came home and had the house to myself for a few hours, which was nice. Discovered a brand new box of my favourite cereal: Harvest Crunch. I even ate a bowl while watching t.v., a privilege I don't enjoy every often. I wasn't totally used to cold food then though and had to lie down afterwards but man was it worth it :P

Friend even covered my shifts for selling cookies at the semi tonight (i didn't feel like going) so I had the night to myself, which was nice. Except I didn't spend it by myself, but that's another story.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


How do I explain today? Stayed up working on my research essay until 4:20 a.m. last night, went to bed at 4:25. Went to sleep around 4:45-5:00. Slept through both alarms, had to be called by Friend at 8:38 a.m. where I argued a losing battle that I have to go to school to write a research essay regardless of the fact that I was pale (he said, I didn't see myself), couldn't really talk, and craved painkillers. Lived on ibuprofen and fishermen's friends and rest, but secretly set my phone to ring two hours later so I could get up and go to the afternoon so I could say I was well enough to go outside and also bake cookies. Came home, fell into bed, woke up, cookies were already made because Florine thought I was too sick to move still. Didn't get to go out either, since by the time I woke up it was too dark to walk downtown and the car wasn't home.

Went through half a box of kleenex and am currently studying for chemistry and will finish up research essay.

Found a candy cane :)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Toilet Paper Is Nice

So today was a pretty interesting day. Hilary, Jill, and I are masters of making our own entertainment during chemistry class, mostly because by then we (or at least me) are too dead from lack of sleep to really pay any attention. But really, class is hard to pay attention to anyway, so we have an excuse.. sort of haha. Which basically sums up my whole school day.

On the walk home from school, I passed by and watched this lovely light brown seagull (must be another new kind!), not knowing that I was being watched myself. However, I took notice when I passed the van in the parking lot and nearly fell over when it honked! Krystle was nice enough to give me a ride home from Queen Charlotte, taking a detour to MCC to drop Vinnie off on the way, and made her first backing-up into my driveway ever. And WITHOUT smashing her car, although she only got a quarter in and was literally an inch away from hitting the rocks haha.

Upon getting home, I went to the bathroom, and lo and behold, a brand new roll of toilet paper! And not the low-grade kind either, but it was beautifully soft. There's nothing like having a good roll of toilet paper; I'm looking forward to the days to come... :)

So tonight at youth group (check the blog) they are making apple pies, which sounds totally amazing but I don't know if I can go. I've got a whack-load of homework and also that huge research essay to do for tomorrow. Honestly, I'm a little scared of it haha.

But not as scared as I will be trying to do the debate. Between preparing for the debate, studying for exams, and REALLY gearing-up on physics, the Christmas break for me sounds like school without the benefit of leaving the house or being over at a reasonable time.

But hey, it's Christmas! Only 12 days left!!

(oh and did I mention we got our tree up today! another nice surprise after school)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Time For Tuesday!

Monday, December 11, 2006


It's Monday, what can I say?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sorry I Almost Forgot Again

To update this blog. I actually needed a reminder to do so, which is sad because I blog so much. But anyways, moving on.

What did I do today? I went to church where Bethlehem Village was acted in front of the church. It was hectic but really fun. The kids loved it; they were all excited to see their parents and proud to show off what they had been doing. Linda and Erin did a great job (as always) making this happen and all the time and effort the volunteers put in (the people who sewed costumes, did skits, lead groups, prayed hard, etc) made it a very worthwhile thing to be a part of.

After church I went and was going to see The Nativity but we were too late for it and went to see The Holiday instead. I went to see The Nativity Story last night with Friend and Florine and it was amazing. Like one of those movies you think is going to be corny but you end up seeing anyways and it turns out to be really good. And not only was it a good movie but it was cool because you see it and you're like "Wow this actually happened." Movies like that are great. The Holiday wasn't bad either. I thought that was going to be corny too but it ended up actually being really funny. And did I mention british accents? You can't go wrong with that haha just joking!! Anyways, afterwards there was the regular stop at Tim's/Wendy's and then I walked home, which resulted in getting another uprising of the cold, which I had just hoped I was finally getting over. It's my fault though; it is December after all, and walking outside with just a sweater doesn't really help it no matter how much the sun was shining that day haha.

Well anyways that was my day so far. Still working on the Karl Marx essay but I don't really understand a lot of it so yeah, it makes it hard. At least now I know how to write it though (thanks Robbie!).

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Wow I almost forgot to blog today, and the day after making the goal of blogging every day too! Not that I don't already, but now it just gives me an excuse haha.

So what did I do this fine Saturday day? Let me fill you in...

First off, I SLEPT IN! sounds normal, but when this is your only sleep-in day in the week and really you have only slept in about 3 times this entire school year.. well, it becomes a reason to celebrate. And celebrate I did, not even getting up to shower until twenty after twelve. Man that was nice.

And since this was pretty much a stay-at-home saturday for me, I decided I might as well get some work done, and I actually did my homework not last minute! *proud moment* Now all I have to do is clean my room and I'll be all set, but that is for later tonight.

It's hard to believe it but Christmas is coming; and coming fast! I still have to get started on Christmas shopping, which means not only a mass amount of digging into Scotland funds *gulp* but also trying to think of the perfect gift for everyone at Christmas *double, triple, quadruple gulp*. It is an exciting time though and now with everything covered in a beautiful blanket of snow it just adds to the festiveness of the season.

So last night I went to a Christmas party with MCC and it was fun. In the words of Vinnie, "I've never seen anyone get so into a game of tic-tac-toe." We went to Magic Wok, a chinese food buffet place I never even knew existed! But then again, I don't eat much chinese food on the Island. I used to go with Mom but she only went to a few where she got to know the people pretty well so we didn't go around much. When she was here in the summer though we went to a nice one downtown that had really good food and fairly fast service but I forget what it was called. One day I will have to go around and try out all the different restaurants on PEI but for now that will have to wait.

Talking about eating made me realise that I haven't eaten since summer at 6 so I should probably go down and get something to eat. Except there is only one last bagel and I can't really think of anything else down there. Maybe popcorn? Popcorn is good. Mmm popcorn...

Friday, December 08, 2006

Who Was Karl Marx?

I have no idea. But I'm supposed to be researching him as my topic for the research essay in English right now (which is why we're in the lab) so I should really do some work. But then again... there's so much to read!

But for all you visual people, here is Karl Marx:

who is so cool he has his own statue


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Check Your Receipts!

Well I was sorting through the mess that is my room (fascinating, I know) and I saw a receipt from Payless that I just happened to read before throwing it away. And boy am I glad I did. The receipt was not only a record of my last purchase but was also a coupon for $10 off my next purchase of $50 or more! Not that I'm going to spend $50 or more anytime soon but it's the thought that counts, right? And what's even better is that on the bottom there is a number you can call and if you give them your opinion they'll give you $4 off your next purchase! Who knew receipts could be so awesome? I think I'm going to go on a treasure hunt for every receipt I can find. Wish me luck!

(sorry I was so excited that I jsut had to blog)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My Wednesday

went pretty smoothly. Math test first period which *knock on wood* wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but still challenging. Figuring out how to do a question during the test that I didn't know how to do before helped a bit too lol. Actually the day went better than I thought it would be, since this morning I felt so dizzy and when I stumbled into math class in the morning even Hilary got worried because she said I looked so pale haha. But yeah, not too much happened in school; went to the computer lab and totally goofed off in English, listened to talk in history, "learned" about acids and bases in chemistry even though we have a test tomorrow and it's not even on it and I barely even understand what that's on which means I will bomb the test tomorrow which means instant death, and etc.

Tonight though was the youth group outing to the Rockets game at the Civic Centre. Though no one (with maybe the exception of Ben and the other real hockey fans) really paid attention to the game itself, it was a blast. Haha rockets/blast... nevermind. And thanks to the frequent trips between the seat and Tim Hortons, I got to know the rink pretty well and hopefully next time I won't get lost and be forced to crawl over three sections of people haha. Oh and not only did I high-five Tommahawk (the mascot although i will never be used to calling him that name) but I also got a water bottle, thanks to Riley but really Will. You see, the water bottle was being thrown into the crowd by the mascot and Will caught it except Riley grabbed it from him. And then Riley was hungry and gave me money to go to Tim Hortons and buy him a donut and he said if I went not only would I be at the TOP of his list of best friends but that I would also get the water bottle. So, not knowing that the water bottle wasn't even his to begin with, I did and then he gave me the water bottle and then I learned afterwards that it was really Will's but then Will didn't really want it and so he said I could keep it anyways. I will probably post a picture of the water bottle some time in my posts to come because it's so cool but it's bright yellow with a black top and it says "Kick it!" on it (because it's a soccer themed sports bottle in the hockey game.. go figure). I can only imagine the fun we are both going to have haha. All in all the game was pretty good; the Rockets lost though 3-1 but really they weren't playing that good and didn't make that many shots (from what Friend told me; I barely know the basics of hockey) and yeah...

After the game though I couldn't find Friend and so I didn't have a way home and so I decided to walk. Which was great; ever since the cold weather I've got this new-found love for walking and it was such a beautiful night and everything. I got halfway home before Friend drove by and saw me walking and drove me the rest of the way, and not to mention commenting on my good directional skills when really I just started out walking until I hit a street I knew and then just kept going... shhh! haha

So yeah it's late and really it is almost 2 a.m. and for some reason I am still wide awake and hungry.. :S I think I will start getting ready for sleep now haha.

In the spirit of asian gangstaaaness: Live Life! DAWG.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Time To Celebrate.

So today in history I heard someone announce that it was National Ninja Day, and by the time it registered and I looked up to see who it was that said it he was gone. But what a great holiday! The world does need more ninjas. I mean, when was the last time you've seen an actual real life ninja? So in honour of the ninjas of the world, here is my own little contribution:

Take that sine graphs!! In your face, math-test-tomorrow!! And hello math ninja! ;)

Monday, December 04, 2006

I took these pictures a few weeks ago but never had the software to make it work. Well thanks to google and an abundance of free time without that extra class (haha not really I am just procrastinating everything else) I got it up and running. Hopefully it works!

[to see it click here]

It's the "Charles"

Can you tell when I have no life haha

Update: it was slowing down and screwing up so I put it in it's own little blog so hopefully it will work better that way.

I Know What I Want For Christmas!

Okay so a lot of people have been asking what I want for Christmas and I always give the same reply: "Uhh I don't know; surprise me" but I was on this site and I saw the coolest thing ever. What is it you may ask? Well click here to find out. :)

Oh and when you're done browsing all the awesome stuff you can get, check this out too:

Also, here is some good advice:


Sunday, December 03, 2006


The weekend is over. It's sad to see it go; especially since it started out so well. But everything comes to an end I guess. Here are the highlights and the pictures Courtney and I both exclaimed, "That is SO going on my blog!"

Yes we're lame, but in a dorky kind of way ;)

On Friday, Katie, Courtney, and I went to the mall to do some Christmas shopping. Even though it was only Courtney who bought anything because she was the only one who already knew what everyone on her list wanted. Lucky her. We also went and checked out the new Dollarama that was there. Since this was my last Christmas here, we got our pictures taken with Santa. Or should I say Courtney and Santa got their pictures taken with Sandy haha. Except Katie was a bum and didn't come in; even though she took her two dogs the very next day. We never knew when he took our picture, he never said anything and I didn't know whether to sit in Santa's lap or not so our pictures came out kind of awkward. But it was fun. [insert picture here] We went all around the mall, trying on random stuff. Mostly shoes. There was this pair at Suzy Cher of high heels and I tried them on just for fun and wow they made me so tall; I loved them. I almost got them too, except that they wouldn't go with my dress at all for Christmas Semi (December 15th!). I was up to Katie's height and everything haha. At Zellers I bought this green tea stuff that came in a large can which came up to 99 cents exactly. It might just be my asianness talking here but I like it; it's a good drink and a good buy! So yeah afterwards we went outside to run across to Shoppers and what was it doing but it was snowing! Well it was more like snow/hail/freezing rain but it made the pavement so cold and slippy and crunchy it was absolutely wonderful. After Shoppers we ended up going to Wendys (what a surprise) and then we went home from there.

My Saturday it was a little different. I had to wake up early for a meeting at 9 which ran till nearly noon (and I wasn't even the last one there). I decided I wanted to walk home from Central by way of the boardwalk because even though it was cold and I didn't wear much in the way of a jacket it was still a beautiful day out. Halfway through the boardwalk I was looking at the cars driving by and who did I see but Friend, Florine, and Max! We were both completely surprised and so since they were taking Max out to the woods for a run anyway I got in the car, where Florine handed me half a large breakfast bagel (they knew I had only eaten an apple for breakfast in order to be on time for the meeting) and then they went into the woods. I scarfed down the bagel and then ran up to meet them and gave them a scare because Max had stopped and then started running back towards me and they thought he was chasing after a dog they had passed earlier but it was just me so it was alright. Max romped all around the woods and Friend thought he had seen a tent and so we all went to investigate even though Florine was scared we were going to get shot. It turned out to be just some tarp hanging on a branch and no one was there so we didn't end up getting shot after all. On the way back home they had some coupons for A&W and so we went and got a junior chubby chicken two piece carton and a root beer float. And OH MY i had no idea i could be in such love with a beverage. If you have never had one I highly recommend you head straight to the nearest A&amp;W and try one; it is root beer with ice cream in it and they bode together so well. After heading home I decided to ditch all plans and went straight for a nap; which is nice because sleep is something I haven't had in such a long while. It only lasted for two hours though, because then Courtney called and I was in a walking mood and so we met up and walked all the way to A&W (where I got another root beer float and then also an order of onion rings) and met Katie there and then we headed back to the mall. We tried on so many shoes at Winners and then took photos of them with Courtney's camera. Like the boots? We have such good taste! (haha I am joking) [insert pictures here] and then afterwards we headed to (where else) Wendy's. Oh yeah and I got another green tea at Zellers. [insert picture here] So including the breakfast bagel bought somewhere else and the two A&W's and the Wendy's I ate out yesterday FOUR TIMES. No wonder Robbie and Nathan call me a cow haha.

Sunday was different though. It was more like a moldy fortune cookie: not so good at the first and the end but fun in the middle. I had an unexpected early wake-up call this morning (literally) and then I went to church for the last week of Bethlehem Village. This week I kind of knew what to expect but was still nervous about it but I had prayed about it and sure enough it turned out really well. The kids even listened to me and got along. One of them who missed his mommy even started warming up to me and hugged me and another one gave me a little cup of orange and pommegranite he had made. I never knew I was so loved haha. All in all it was a good program and I was sad to see it end; although next week the kids will be costumed and singing and dancing up in front of the church for everyone to see, which will be neat. After getting home though I've been feeling even more sick and tired and everything in-between which kinda sucks but oh well. What I would really like to do now is go for a walk, but it's 8pm and dark and I don't know if I'll be allowed out. But hey there's only one way to find out right? Who knows, maybe the coldness will freeze away the flu that I feel developing already haha.

It sucks when something happens and there's nothing you can do about it except pray and pray hard. But at times like that I guess you just have to remember something I heard Friend mention once during a shut-in communion: "Though prayer seems like it's the least you can do, it is actually the most." I know I've probably mentioned it a million times before but when I heard that for the first time it really made me stop and think to just how important prayer is. Prayer is mentioned so many times in the Bible and is so crucial that Paul tells us to "Pray continually," (1 Thess. 5:17) and says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Phil. 4:6). There are so many more examples and when you search it up in it brings up 365 results. That's one for every day of the year; coincidence? I think not! :)

Oh and for those of you who wonder what we do at lunch other than book a room and sneak in food?
[insert picture here]
And the saddest part is, we had rubbed off the "at MCC" part to write something else and then the teacher came in and said that we forgot to write our name down when we booked the room (I won't say who did it but haha that was hilarious) and so other people signed up and we had to leave and it wasn't until we were in a different room that we realised oh crap it still says "BOYS SUCK" in big letters on the board! Wow we must be the most immature grade 12ers ever haha.
[insert picture here]

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