Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So the last post was kinda bogus because apparently it didn't really "count" as one, being a link, and so I'm posting for real now due to some complaints from certain people who read my blog but don't really comment haha.

Anyways, I guess I'll start by saying I'm FINALLY done of exams. Hopefully I did well on most of them, but I know I did horrible in chemistry. You see in chemistry you learn concepts and equations and on the tests I would get the equations but not the concepts so for the exams I studied mostly the concepts and not the equations, because I thought the equations would be easy. EXCEPT THAT the exam was all equations except for about three concept questions, and since I didn't study the equations that much I forgot a lot of the formulas and what to do. So anyways, I would be surprised if I didn't fail the course, which is bad because chemistry is like the science you need for everything science related. But if I don't get accepted into university next year (the future looks bleak) I will get to go to MCC and will probably upgrade my chem mark (along with others) too. I'm excited to go to MCC. It sounds like it'd be easy because it's a Bible college, but apparently it's a lot more work than actual university. So it shall be interesting.

Today has been my day of relaxation, being my first day without any exams. And it was nice. I showered only to change into another pair of jammies (how often do you get to do that?) and did dishes and laundry and read for the morning. It sounds boring and chore-ish but I liked it. This afternoon I got to go out with some friends which was nice because lately I've been practically a hermit studying for exams and then this evening was youth group, which was fun except that no one was there and we weren't really doing anything, just playing games so Courtney and I left early and went back-to-school shopping for the new semester! Haha we are such losers but hey for us it's a compliment :P

Well I don't really have anything to write about right now and my stomach's acting up again so I'm gonna go and make some caucasian tea. Hope you are having (and will have) a fantastic week!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Wow This Sounds Amazing

Google has this thing now where you can watch the sunrise from anywhere in the world.

Official Google Blog: New sunrise layer on Google Earth

For those of us who never get a chance to watch it in real life, here's a virtual one.


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Subliminal Messages In Math

What is this part of the ellipse we never learned about? The "semi-lactus rectum"? In math we learn it as the "focus". Hmm.. what are they teaching us??


Friday, January 26, 2007

"This Is Just To Say" by William Carlos Williams

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

a poem i stumbled across on one of my many breaks from studying.
it made me smile.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

"Dare You To Move" by Switchfoot

I finally learned how to post videos from Youtube (you have to have an account) and I wanted to try it out so here's the video for a song I have stuck in my head. Enjoy!


I changed this post because of the picture in the other one. Apparently some people are weirder/grosser than I am haha.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


I was at a senior citizen's home a few weeks ago (I think that's the proper term) and just when I was leaving there was this lady crying because no one had taken her down to supper yet and she didn't know what she was doing. And I didn't know what to do (me + awkward situations = slight to medium fear) but I stayed and talked with her for a little while until someone came and though 95% of the conversation consisted of me teaching her how to pronounce my name("Sandy Chang." "What?" "Sandy, you know, like the beach." "Sandy. Yes I know that; what's your last name again?" "Chang." "Ch-. What??" "Chang. Uhh chuh-ang." "...Sandy, right?" "Umm yes." (wow that probably is not funny to anyone but I found it funny at the time. I never knew my last name was so difficult to pronounce haha), it filled me with intense sadness because I wondered where her family is and whether she breaks down every night thinking that she is abandoned. And I know a lot of people their families don't visit and even though I'm not much better (when was the last time I went around visiting everyone in the homes? Barely ever, even with Friend) it still breaks my heart. And really, it should. I mean family (though it may not be much) are so special.

I don't have nearly as strong a bond with the people in my immediate family, and haven't seen relatives in the longest time. But even so, they're special. We all screw up majorly and make horrible mistakes and decisions but family is family, no matter how different.

Anyways, about that time at the home. It got me to thinking about even though it seemed like a pretty good place there was a shortage of nurses, which I guess is expected because there's a shortage of nurses EVERYWHERE, even in the big hospitals. And even though I know only barely minimum about nursing, I think that (or something liek it) would be something I'd like to do. I haven't told anyone this yet, mostly because I don't know much about it and also because, well as much as I want a "helping profession" I am a little hesitant about working in the medical field because if you make a mistake that's someone's life you're messing around with, not like some computer program or something. And if you know me at all you will know that I am very accident prone. Plus, even to get into nursing school is tough and if you do get in the work is hard and the hours are long and erratic (so I hear). But I don't mind hard work and long and erratic hours so much and plus I love learning stuff, especially if it's good to know or has a purpose (and sometimes especially if it doesn't haha). But I guess I'll have to do more research on it and a lot of prayer but if that's where God's leading me then I know He'll work me past my fears.

Other possible career choices? According to the "Choices" program that they offer at school, my highest match was a nutritionalist/dietician. Which as strange as it sounds could be something I could actually enjoy. Believe it or not I had a "healthy spurt" once, a long while ago and love learning about how food affects your body and what is rich in what haha. What is fiber good for? Makes your poops good. If your poops aren't good, eat things rich in fiber. Preferably natural. An actual orange is better than orange juice. When you cut a fruit and leave it to open air, in 30 minutes half of it's nutritional value will already be lost (learned from eXalt two years ago; those smoothies were soo good). Celery is the best "diet" food because it takes more calories to digest it than the actual calories it has. Okay I need to stop myself. But just one more: protein is crucial to problem-solving and making good decisions. Don't know where I picked that one up but it really surprised me because Barney (Florine's cat) had this thing where she couldn't eat protein and one day got hit by a car crossing the road, which she was always so smart and careful to avoid. And I thought maybe that was why: she didn't have enough protein.

Maybe I can figure out a way to combine those two jobs or something haha. I have no idea where this whole post came from. Just kinda popped out of nowhere and was unexpected. Actually I wasn't even thinking I was serious of thinking of either occupation until I started writing and it just reminded me of them. It was a good sidetrack to what's really on my mind. But anyways, picking out your job, that's another year (although according to "the smarts" you should already have picked out your career by now). For now I have to get back to studying.. exams are next week! *panic*

Life is short. Pray hard.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Yes, Today Is Friday

And man am I ever grateful!

My brain's been pretty fried from everything these past few weeks, and so I've been ready to crash this whole entire day. Thankfully school was amazingly surprisingly easy, which was really nice. So because I'm on my break (from what I don't know) I'll write down everything that happened today.

In math we are learning how to calculate how many different ways you can do things (spell your name, pick outfits, etc) and aside from being extremely easy it also uses exclamation marks, which makes the numbers look so exciting. Did you know that for Lotto 649 there are 13 983 816 different ways you can number your tickets? According to Murley it's pretty stupid to buy tickets because the odds are so great but I think that just makes winning it so much cooler. Except I don't buy tickets anyways so it doesn't really affect me too much haha. Though one day when the jackpot hits like $3 billion I will go out and buy that exact number of tickets and then I know I'll be sure to win.

In English the teacher wasn't really planning on doing a lesson (she was hoping for a storm today too) but school happened and so we read Chaucer and did questions. Except what I mean by that is Katie and I read Chaucer (we took turns every second line) and the class did questions, since we were both too lazy. Katie got some good drawing done with my highlighter and paper and yeah it was an interesting class.

History was the best class ever. The test was so easy; open book and open notes. Basically like working on a question sheet except no groupwork and you know it's for marks. Cheverie basically *said* the answer and yeah.. it was amazing. Best test I ever wrote. Though if I failed it would be hilarious but really really sad.

Chemistry was easy because the stuff we jam-packed learned wasn't that complicated (redox, oxidization, and its numbers) and also because I left my textbook in the locker so I couldn't do the sample questions anyways. Was a good 85 minutes of countdown-to-end-of-school time, which was nice.

Just remembered I totally forgot to ask for the Macbeth book and to pass in my listening quiz for English... yikes.

Came home, tried to get stuff done, didn't totally succeed, and so here I am at 11:06 p.m. craving Burger King and listening to the rain.

What an interesting life.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Day Off

So today I woke up this morning to one of the most beautiful sounds in the world - the sound of school cancellations. And considering it had looked so calm and beautiful out (you can't really see wind) it brought an extra smile to the start of the day. Before, of course, I zonked out until the more reasonable hour of 11:30. And sat in bed for a good 15 minutes before getting up for cereal brunch. Though I stayed inside the whole day, it was still good. Started reading the book I had borrowed from Justin for the capital punishment debate; even though it had nothing to do with our side it still looked like an interesting read. Sure enough it was. Written by the same author of "Dead Man Walking" which was made into a movie, this book is called "The Death Of Innocents" and it's about her time spent with two men whom she knew without a doubt were innocent and the courts executed them anyway. It's almost unreal to read what took place, and many times I have to remind myself that it in fact is a real book - found right beside the law books and everything in the non-fiction section of the library. Anyway, I totally recommend it along with a box of kleenex if you cry easily at that sort of thing. Which is why I only plan to read it once. For some odd reason it's usually the second or third time around that I read/watch something that brings tears to my eyes. Not that I don't get it the first time or anything, it's just that.. well, I guess it sinks in harder the second time around. Or something. I guess the highlight of the day would have to go to eating the cake after supper that Florine had made. She loaded it up with ice-cream and strawberries and even though I was already full it was too hard to resist and I ate every bite of that delicious creation while sitting on the floor watching tv. In jammies. It sounds really pathetic but it really was nice, especially when you can hear the wind outside and know that instead of going to school you are doing this. :) Anyways, that was mostly my day. Along with a call from Toronto, which was great. It's nice knowing you are related to someone on the continent again haha.

Well that's it for today. I don't know why I blogged really; I think it was a subconcious attempt to procratinate studying for history, started by going on facebook. I'm not sure exactly what to do on it still, but people add me as friends and I get the email, so it keeps me going back to it. Apparently myspace is the exact same thing, except you hear about it more (sort of). I think I have a myspace account too just so my name would be on it but if you add me to yours don't expect a reply since they don't email me and so I never go on.

Okay I will stop rambling and do some work. History 621A, here I come!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Another Fishy Secret

I never really realised it but I do have a lot of secrets. I think I'll offload another one on here though, because it has been affecting me the last few days.

Here goes:

I don't like scallops.

Don't ask me why; I'm not sure myself. I guess it's like that haddock thing; I can't eat too much of either without feeling nauseated. But I eat it anyway. Why? Because I love seafood, and so my family (both of them) assume I like all seafood and so they have lots of these two. Well scallops at the Herrings and haddock at the Changs. It's my fault though really, since I have never said or even done anything to prove them otherwise. I eat them both with (pretend) relish, because I know I am lucky to have them and it is a treat because they aren't the most cheapest things in the world. I guess now the only reason I haven't said anything is because I've always eaten them, and so for me to say now that I don't like them and have never really liked them would be admitting that I have been living a lie for my entire life. And so I continue with it because... well, it's easier that way.

I guess I make for a pretty sucky Christian. I mean, if I can't own up about the little things in life (like disliking the taste of certain types of fish), then how am I expected to act with the big things that come along? I realise this is just something small and doesn't matter like the big stuff but there is a parable Jesus says about a master entrusting some money to his servants before leaving on a trip.

14"Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. 15To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. 16The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more. 17So also, the one with the two talents gained two more. 18But the man who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money.

19"After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. 20The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.'

21"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

22"The man with the two talents also came. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.'

23"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

24"Then the man who had received the one talent came. 'Master,' he said, 'I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.'

26"His master replied, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? 27Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.

28" 'Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. 29For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. 30And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'

- Matthew 25:14-30

You see in the same way God blessed us with money and/or actual talents for stuff, and we are to spend it and use it to the best of our ability. And even though one servant He only entrusted a little bit (compared to the other ones), we are still expected to be faithful with it nonetheless. Someone (Helen Keller maybe? I can't find the actual quote) once said "I do not wish to do a small great thing but to do all small things with greatness." or something like that. I remember meeting this one missionary couple and they were in different parts of Thailand, learning different languages and creating programs to translate and print off the Bible so the people could read it in their own language. The first time I met them was in Sherwood, and after church (I had missed it because I was doing the puppets) and Friend introduced me to them and I thought they were so cool to be doing that and serving in that way. And the David Morse (right name?) said, "This is just one way. You serve God in everything you do. Do it to the best of your ability. Are you good at preaching? Preach for God! Are you skilled with helping other people? Help people for God! Are you a good student? Study for God! Are you a painter? Paint for God! Everything you do, even if it seems like the smallest thing, you can do it for God and do it with excellence!" I was totally blown away. I had always thought that to serve God meant working in the church or going out as a missionary or something. And here he is talking about how we can serve in ways as simple as the stuff we do every day! I received another reminder two years ago at the May Youth Conference at ABU, where we went to this workshop and I can't remember what it was called but I remember getting these green bracelets made with nylon thread (if you light it it melts and they fuse together) and we wore it as a reminder for us so whenever we look at it we remember that everything we do we are doing for God. I don't know what happened to mine; I had it on the table one day and the next it was gone. Courtney still has hers though.

Anyways, I had only meant to write a short post before bed (and the two tests tomorrow!!) and ended up writing a major one. On a totally different topic from which I started. Anyways, to bring it all around, I guess what I was trying to say was that even the smallest things count, and as I type this I realise that maybe I should not lie next time about how good the fish is and say the real reason that I have to always scarf down other food/drinks with it.

Or at least hint a little.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

P.E.I. Is Too Far Away..

One of the downsides of living and going to school on this otherwise lovely Island:

Official Google Blog: A field trip to Google

No Google field trips!


"I Love You This Much" - Jimmy Wayne

He can't remember
The times that he thought
Does my daddy love me?
Probably not.
That didn't stop him
From wishing that he did
Didn't keep him from wanting
Or worshipping him

He guesses he saw him
About once a year
He could still feel the way he felt
Standing in tears.
Stretching his arms out
As far as they'd go
Whispering daddy
I want you to know

I love you this much
And I'm waiting on you
To make up your mind
Do you love me too?
How ever long it takes
I'm never giving up
No matter what
I love you this much.

He grew to hate him
For what he had done
'Cause what kind of father
Could do that to his son?
He said, 'Damn you daddy'
The day that he died
The man didn't blink
But the little boy cried

I love you this much
And I'm waiting on you
To make up your mind
Do you love me too?
How ever long it takes
I'm never giving up
No matter what
I love you this much.

Halfway through the service
While the choir sang a hymn,
He looked up above the preacher
And he sat and stared at Him

He said,
'Forgive me Father'
When he realized
That he hadn't been unloved
Or alone all his life.
His arms were stretched out
As far as they'd go
Nailed to the cross
For the whole world to know

I love you this much
And I'm waiting on you
To make up your mind
Do you love me too?
How ever long it takes
I'm never giving up
No matter what
I love you this much.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Tip #36852

If you spilt acid and/or base on your hands, even in small concentration, don't try to smell it. Especially if you can't smell anything normally and end up sniffing your hand deeply trying to experience a little bit of scent.

May cause slight discomfort.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The REAL Soundtrack Of My Life

Okay, so this is going to sound stupid of me but the last time I did this I just thought I had a lot of songs that started with B and C for them to come up so often. But then a few days later I looked at it and realised that I must've turned shuffle off when I meant to turn it on, since it's on all the time anyways. So here I am, supposed to be writing my capital punishment debate for tomorrow (and yes it will be tomorrow for sure) and I thought I better take a break because I just did a lot of math so I decided I might as well do this and see what I get - for real.

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie

Opening Credits:
Breathe (2 A.M.) - Anna Nalick

Waking up:
London Rain (Nothing Heals Me Like You Do) - Heather Nova

First Day at Highschool:
If I Am - Nine Days

Breaking Up:
Best Years Of Our Lives - Baha Men [oh my haha]

You Were Meant For Me - Jewel

The Hardest Part - Coldplay

While You Were Sleeping - Casting Crowns

Getting Back Together:
Hands And Feet - Audio Adrenaline

The Setting Sun - Switchfoot

Birth of Child:
Wonderwall - Oasis

Final Battle:
17 Magazine - Relient K

Death Scene:
99 Red Balloons - Goldfinger

Funeral Song:
Joy - Tree63 [that'd be awesome]

End Credits:
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


was fun. English debate, which no one in our group was prepared for (with the exception of maybe Katie who timed her speech and everything) was postponed because we had a substitute. I don't think I have been that happy for one ever haha. And for the class we did a poem by T. S. Eliot, called "The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock," which kind of gives you an idea of the kind of poem it is. My favourite line?

I grow old … I grow old … 120
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

It's long but a good read. Check it out. The rest of the day at school went good too, but I won't go on about the details or else this would take forever and I would be up all night.

Today was also the return of youth group which was fun. We made videos and I was a goat being slaughtered by Jacob to receive (trickingly) the blessing from his dad. After youth group we had a race to Victoria Park, then back to the church, and finally over to Dairy Queen which, may I add, our team won them all with five minutes to spare! Thanks to Katie: The Queen of Speed And Back Roads and Sandy: The Racing Assistant Extraordinaire, we totally kicked the butts of Courtney and Melissa. Not to brag or anything haha. Well anyways, that's my night. Back to the joys of homework. Which, according to Mr. Cole is easier than housework, but personally I'd take housework any day. I actually enjoy doing dishes and laundry and etc, whereas homework.. not so much.

Can't wait for retirement!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Out Of The Phase

So someone mentioned that I missed some days in blogging.. which is pretty sad considering someone actually takes the time to have read it when I did a blog every day. But for the past few days I've kind of moved on; not even feeling the desire to blog; not even for sanity. I've pretty much given up on having that anyways. So I'm only blogging now to acknowledge that fact and also to mention something very Islander-ish: the weather!

So on Saturday it was very foggy out, and I had the joy of going for a walk on the boardwalk in the rain and fog, which sounds horrible but was actually quite lovely. I even stoppped to take some pictures, which made the person walking behind me almost run into me, which was funny. Not for the person though, who must've thought I was out of it (good thing I look like a tourist!).

Did I mention that it was also 12 degrees Celcius out? I think that must break a record somewhere. I mean it's January!

But today (Monday) I woke up and the first thing I see outside is snow, snow, wonderful snow. It was almost unbelievable how fast it turned winter.. I mean it was practically a storm! And the good kind of snow too, the kind you can make snowballs with and everything. Except that I heard it was going to all melt by tomorrow.. which sounds like a far stretch considering what it's like now, but then again I wouldn't put it past this wacky Island weather. Oh well, only one way to find out!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Oh Joy.

This time my happiness is sarcastic.

How do you explain this one? Something tells me I should email the teacher and ask her about it. But right now I'm taking this as a sign to go ahead and get some sleep. Otherwise I have a feeling it'd be a looong night.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Highlight of Online Correspondence

Okay I know I'm doing physics but I just noticed that they added a feature of having your own blog, which I thought was kinda cool. It must be just new because even though I noticed it no one else seemed to (or at least have written an entry). Except one who's a teacher and I thought it was so cute I wanted to share it with you!

Love and Chemistry: Psych 020

This post is brought to you by Biology 12. In the first practice assignment of the course (which was not written by me), one finds this question:

"28. Draw a diagram illustrating how two hydrogen atoms bond together. Why do they stick together (love?)?"

[JC]* had this to say in response:

"The above is a diagram of two hydrogen atoms, covalently bonded to complete their valence electrons. They tend to remain together in the interests of forming a stable molecule. Whether this constitutes a valid definition of love is explored further in Psychology 020."

Here in this blog I'd like to explore this topic further, because it's an interesting thought.... Are atoms capable of love? What is love?

Well, I did a little research in the online dictionary:

Most of the definitions had to do with affection for someone or something, passion, or sex. I did find, however, one definition that may be of use to chemists:

"love 18. to need or require; benefit greatly from: Plants love sunlight."

If this is our working definition of love, I think we can say that atoms love each other. In the case of our two hydrogen atoms who are unfulfilled - they each have an incomplete valence - they each need another electron to fill the void and make them stable. They benefit greatly from each other when they form a covalent bond and share electrons.

There it is: atom love.

Class dismissed.
mrs. H

*name changed to protect identity

Have you hugged an atom today?

A Good Morning

Though a little unsteady on my feet (for some reason I've been feeling kinda weak lately..) my morning went really well. Woke up and got out of bed at 11:24, went downstairs and had breakfast of Harvest Crunch (my favourite!), read the paper, talked to Friend, went upstairs to turn on my laptop and do some physics and received an instant message from my brother all the way in Taiwan! And I also learned that dad can now receive emails, so after I write this I will be able to email my family :)

Since I have given away secrets on this blog before, I think since I'm in such a good mood today I feel comfortable letting another one go: I am secretly in love.

With candy hearts!

I've only had them very rarely, since I never buy them and I have never told people how much I love them. But those candies have a special place in my heart. There's something just so sweet about them in addition to their taste.

I wish I had bigger hands..

So I just snuck downstairs in the middle of the night carrying my laptop and in the dark got a glass of water (I was thirsty -> see Nathan's picture of a dead fish out of water) and found my way to the piano, where I manuevered the stuff around the stand enough so I could put it down and replace it with my trusty laptop. I had gotten a copy of the sheet music for "Foolish Games" by Jewel and I wanted to see if I could really play it. And surprisingly, even after a year (or is it two) of barely touching the piano, I was able to stumble my way through the song; though very very slowly. But I could still do it! Well most of it, except for a chord that calls for a bigger finger-extention than mine, which strain as I might I could not get. That's the probem with small hands; you can't reach all the notes you want to. The way my fingers are I have to strain to hit an octave... which is pretty sad, considering some other people can go over over and beyond. But oh well, it was still fun to play. When I get a house I'm going to buy a baby grand and hopefully by then I'll have enough time to not only take lessons but also to practice! And hopefully by then my hand will have grown so I can reach those tricky chords. Hopefully.

So anyways, it's very late/early and since I only got 3.45 hours of sleep last night I should get a comparatively early start to bed tonight. Have a good night, sweet dreams, and beautiful whole day tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What "Label" Would I Fit Under According To This?

was on facebook (still trying to figure it out) and saw my good friend Jill had this on her notes, which is like a blog except different. Thought it was funny and since I was bored wanted to try it out too! And i'll also comment on each one, you know because I'm bored.

[ ]You spend half an hour doing your hair [well i guess i could brush my hair for half an hour, but by then i'll probably be bald]
[ ] You go tanning/lay out. [i don't tan; i'm already yellow]
[ ] You watch The OC and/or Laguna Beach. [never really understood it from the one episode i watched. Although it was on Mad t.v. once]
[x] You own something designer. [i get suckered into buying things so easily]
[x] You love going shopping. [of course!]
[ ] You like Paris Hilton. [well i wouldn't say i hate her but we're not bff or anything..]
[x] You take your cellphone everywhere. [for sure]
[x] You own an iPod and/or an MP3 player. [yeah, i heart my sansa]
[x] You love Starbucks. [yes!]
[x] You love flip flops. [yes, but only in summer]
Total = 6

[x] Red or black is your favorite color. [well red is one of them]
[x] You have thought about death. [does anybody not?]
[ ] You wear chains. [i have no keys]
[ ] You like heavy metal. [too hard to sing along to]
[x] You love Hot Topic. [i think i have already answered that i love shopping haha]
[x] You have worn black lipstick. [halloween counts right]
[x] Your hair is dark. [well i am asian.. except for the occasional white/blonde/red ones poking around]
[ ] You dislike preps. [why dislike someone because of their "label"?]
[ ] You're an atheist/agnostic [nope]
[ ] You have/want piercings in unusual places. (Eyebrow, nose, lip, tongue, bellybutton, etc.) [i don't mind getting piercings except they wouldn't really look good on me]
Total = 5

[.5] You skateboard/blade. [i have skateboarded and bladed but it doesn't ask if you were any good :P]
[x] You love plaid. [who doesn't?]
[ ] You have/own at least 1 pair of Converse. [nope, although if i could i would get the custom made ones where you get to pick everything]
[x] You think you're different. [correction: i know i'm different haha. Different is like weird right?]
[x] You hate MTV. [but hate is such a strong word; it depends on what's playing]
[x] You have/had/want blue, purple, or green hair [who doesn't want green hair? you could do the joke for real!]
[x] You love skater boys/girls. [i try to love everybody regardless of their ability to skate]
[ ] You hate pink. [what! pink is so pretty]
[ ] You hate rich kids. [why hate somebody just because of that?]
[x] You listen to punk music. [sure it's on the radio]
Total = 6.5

[x] You like computers. [in this day and age, who doesn't?]
[ ] You like Star Trek. [i have never seen it]
[x] You wear glasses. [yeah, contacts never really worked out for me]
[ ] You get straight A's. [i wish.]
[x] You love reading. [of course]
[.5] You have a curfew. [sometimes?]
[ ] You always do your homework. [sometimes i forget. or get too frustrated/angry]
[ ] You never cut school. [i don't skip if we're doing something.. important]
Total = 3.5

[ ] You're depressed. [not at the moment]
[x] You have black-rimmed glasses. [well dark blue is sort of black]
[x] You like Thursday. [it's better than mondays?]
[x] You comb your hair in front of your face. [as opposed to only combing the hair in the back of your face? o.O]
[.5] You cry easily. [depending, though sometimes i can't cry at all]
[x] You hate being called emo. [when i get called emo is when i'm on a not-so-happy-week so no, i can't say that i like it]
[x] You keep a journal/diary. [blogs counts right]
[x] You have written a sad poem. [roses are red, violets are blue. i am sad, now you are too.]
[ ] You have/had a sad MySpace layout. [i don't even have myspace]
Total = 6.5

[ ] You like rap. [depending]
[ ] You wear Tag. [i don't even know that that is. though i do like to play it]
[ ] You say "nigga" frequently. [only to nathan :P haha just joking]
[x] You drink often. [well you are supposed to have 8 glasses of water a day]
[ ] You wear rubberbands in your pants. [where would you even find rubber bands big enough to fit around your pants?]
[ ] You swear a lot. [i can't say i do]
[ ] You have had a freestyling contest. [lets have one right now; you first]
[x] You have said "shizzle". [shizzle.]
[x]You have been called a "playa". [but not seriously haha at least i hope not :P]
[ ] You wear Converse with the tongue flipped out. [no converse, no flipped out tongue]
Total = 3

[ ] You wear a bandana. [i can't say i do to this either]
[x] You love Pokemon, the Ninja Turtles, etc. [love is too underexaggerated]
[.5] You never walk anywhere. [i used to but now i love walking!]
[ ] You wear slip-on Vans. [i don't even own a pair]
[ ] You like Norma Jean. [who's Norma Jean? is she nice?]
[x] You wear band tees. [yeah i still have mine from eXalt haha]
[ ] You love to "hardcore" dance or mosh. [what is this hardcore dance? how is it different from normal dance?]
[ ] Your hair has been dyed in more than one color. [i don't know/don't want to dye my hair]
[x] You don't really like being called a satanist. [i don't think you would either..]
Total = 3.5

Whichever section you gave the most x's to, is the one that you are.

So that makes me.. punk/skateboarder/emo? man.. i thought for sure i would've got nerd/loser!

Soundtrack Of My Life

saw someone's post like this; thought it was a neat idea so now I'm gonna try it

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie

Opening Credits:
Big Star Machine - Superchick

Waking up:
Blackbird - Sarah McLaulan

First Day at Highschool:
Blitz - Audio Adrenaline

Breaking Up:
Redemption - Bob Marley

Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson

Breathe - Anna Nalick

Breathing - Lifehouse

Getting Back Together:
Peanut Butter Jelly Time - Buckwheat Boyz

Hold You High - By The Tree

Birth of Child:
Careful Where You Stand - Coldplay [one word: lol!!]

Final Battle:
Chevette - Audio Adrenaline

Death Scene:
Open The Eyes Of My Heart - Praise and Worship

Funeral Song:
Cling and Clatter - Lifehouse

End Credits:
Collide - Howie Day

Food For Thought

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Give the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Laundry, Gaelic Get-Together and Blog Updates

The name says it all: that's pretty much everything this post is about.

I woke up this morning (and yes it was still morning because I remember it being exactly 11:26 a.m.) and started doing laundry. And let this be another new years resolution: don't ever forget to do laundry again! I missed last week and part of the week before and man was there ever a lot of laundry to do today. Especially since I had to wash my jacket and etc. For darks alone there were 2.4 full loads. I was able to do light in one because I shoved everything in and padded down, and the jackets I put in with the .4 of the dark, so it saved up on loads. But still, that's a LOT of laundry. That's pretty sad though now that I think about it. What am I doing with so many clothes? Too many Old Navy shopping trips... Here's another new year's resolution: have better control over spending!

This evening there was a Gaelic get-together over at my teacher's house, where we (some people in the class, the teacher, his wife and kids, and I) played games mostly in Gaelic. We learned how to play pictionary and hearts, which was really fun. Pictionary was soo hard in Gaelic but it was interesting and it's a good thing we didn't finish the game of hearts because I could feel myself getting addicted! But now I can understand how the game is played on the computer. Sad isn't it, how so much revolves around the computer now. It takes away a lot of other forms of entertainment, such as cards for real. Which is ten times better than on a computer. But we are so dependent on it. I say that because I know I'm not alone when I was surprised one day when I was sitting somewhere and someone broke out a deck of cards and started playing solitaire and I thought "whoa it's an actual game?!" One day I will learn how to play set up and play solitaire in real life but for now I am pretty happy with hearts. The only thing is, it's a multiplayer game. And who do I know that knows how to play hearts, other than probably Nancy who seems to know every card game existed? Umm not sure. Oh well, maybe this is a good thing.

So tonight I updated my blog, fiddling around with the html to configure it to what I wanted. It's pretty much what I had in mind, though not quite. But it works. I changed the blog title, the description, moved the sidebar to the other side (thanks Vinnie), added a fortune cookie feature, and made a picture to go with the title. The picture, although looks simple, actually took a while to make, considering I had to edit me out of another picture and everything. If you are wondering about the expression on my face it was me scrunched up pretended to be serious, but I guess it's hard to tell with the eggs (yes that's what they are in case you couldn't tell) over my eyes. That's Centre Island in the background; I wasn't really walking around with a hat and scarf in the middle of summer in case you couldn't tell from the speed editing job I did haha. I don't really like the picture but I wasted time on it so I figured I might as well put it on. Plus it looks stupid so it kinda goes with this blog, don't you think? :P

And I've been listening to the country music station and if I hadn't said so already I'll say it again: I'm starting to love it! I used to laugh at youth group Jen for listening to it, because though I liked country I was surprised that people actually tuned into the station (all country, all the time?) and just recently (the past couple of weeks) I've had it on since for some reason my alarm radio couldn't switch over to Magic 93 anymore after I went to Ocean (weird) but it picked up the country station so I listened to that instead. And now I listen to it (on my stereo) out of choice. Jen used to say how she found country music deeper than other music; like how they were actually about stuff instead of like, for example, sex, and now that I'm actually listening to more than random Shania Twain I realise it's true. So now I'm listening to mostly country, with the occasional switch back to Magic or Ocean for a little variety (and also to catch some of the other songs that I enjoy).

Well I'm going to do some other stuff. Have a good night!

Monday, January 01, 2007


So it's the first day of 2007; another year has gone by and a new one has begun. It's exciting isn't it, a brand new year. It's like a new day, only rarer :D

I must say my start to the year was excellent. Spending New Year's alone by myself is no fun so luckily I was invited to a party over at Hilary's for New Years Eve, where I even made a new friend!
It was a fun party, with good food (candy, chocolate, Chinese, and chips: the top four C's of food) and an intense game of Disney Trivia, which we so schooled. The four of us made the countdown to midnight right along with the t.v. and even had a group hug consisting of Me, Jill, and Peppy, who jumped right in haha. Oh man that was funny. Here's a picture of all of us, photos courtesy of Jill :) The couch didn't fit all of us and I almost crushed poor Hilary sitting on her in the picture (sorry! :P)

After getting home and catching a few episodes of the CSI marathon that was on and discovering the new ice cream in the freezer, I went to bed only to wake up bright and early at 9:30 a.m.
to go to Murray Harbour, where we had dinner with the family of Friend and Florine. Some people have the talent of being able to make good food every time and they have certainly got it! Luckily I have lived with two of such families (my own and theirs) and so you can just imagine where I get my appreciation of food from haha.

So anyways, that's how I rang in the New Year.
What did you do for yours?



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