Saturday, March 31, 2007

Saturday On A Sunday

Just got back from "Reign Over Me," which was an amazing movie. Sad, intense, and laugh-out-loud funny, it is definitely a movie worth watching. I admit tears came to my eyes during it, which used to never happen but I guess it happens more often now haha. Jill, Natalie, and I were originally supposed to go to the benefit concert but we didn't know how to get there, and by the time Florine dug out a map and we talked about it and other possible plans it had already started (by like 30 min) so we met up at Wendy's, had a coffee, chatted, and then went to catch the movie. On Friday I had gone to see "Premonition," the one with Sandra Bullock, with Katie and Courtney and it was a really good movie too (and no the ending wasn't weak at all), but if you were going to see one of the two I would definitely recommend "Reign Over Me."

So how did my Saturday turn out? Pretty good actually. Did the puppet show for Easter with the kids; it was interesting, but in a good way haha. Some people didn't show up so practically everything was last-minute changes and then we did our thing no practice or anything but it went all right and the kids didn't even notice lol. Plus it made for a few laughs and a few interesting stories and hopefully the kids got a lot out of it which makes it all worth it. And it was so cool at the end because we were doing this song and it had a bunch of actions and the kids absolutely loved it and after the leaders were exhausted after doing the song some of the kids went up on stage and lead it themselves! It was great!

At Sherwood they're now starting to build the new elevator which is really neat to see. I remember hearing Friend and some of the elders talking a few years ago about how much it was needed and at that point it was so expensive it seemed nothing more than just another dream. And now here it is being built. You can even go up to the balcony and see all the way down to the basement and, I've got to say, it's pretty cool. Terrifying (for me at least), but cool and it's awesome to see this dream unfolding. I really hope it will be the same for the camp!

Well anyways it's past midnight and I'm not making much sense so that's a good a cue as any to head for bed. Goodnight!

Totally Droolworthy

I have found my perfect match. His name? The Canon Powershot G7. It has everything, from 10 MP, 6x optical zoom, and 25 shooting modes, to advanced image stability and also the ability to take videos up to an hour long. Not to mention being good-looking and reasonably priced (well, compared to cameras of its type three years ago...). The only downside? It doesn't take the standard AA batteries. But I can live with that. If I could have a camera, any camera, this would be it. Well at least until a new, better model comes out of course.

Probably why my dad is pushing so hard for me to go to university and get a well-paying job haha.

Anyways if you are curious to see what this baby looks like, click here to go on the Futureshop website.

Have a happy weekend!

Friday, March 30, 2007


I am about to start a game of Tic-Tac-Toe to determine what time I get to come home at.

Wish me luck I want to be back by midnight!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

So Awake, So Early.

What, you ask, am I doing up at this time of day, when normal people are still in bed enjoying their well-earned R.E.M. sleep?

WELL, it all started at 8;12, when I woke up to hear the person on the radio saying, "...and we'll hear of school cancellations right after this." and then a song came on. School cancellations? I thought. Could it be? But I didn't dare to let myself hope. This was especially crushed after I peeked open my eyes for a little bit towards the end of the song and instead of that pink glare that you get with a big snowstorm it was just the plain normal white. So you can just imagine my surprise when the first thing they announce was the cancellation of school for the entire Eastern School District! I couldn't believe my ears and had to wait until it came on again just to make sure I had heard right. Sure enough, school was cancelled. For the day.


Quite a change from the spring-like weather we've been having for the past few days (9 degrees, sunny, and clear) but in some ways I'd rather this. There's something just exciting about a snowstorm. Especially white-outs. I remember all the sleepovers we used to have at my friend's house. One day in grade 10 there was a major snowstorm and a bunch of us were over at her house and we had the crazy idea to go sledding. And so, donning our jackets, boots, and snowpants (most of them borrowed) we took some sleds and went over by Grace Baptist School and had a blast down the hill, where at the bottom was a small river. It was so cold and so windy and so snowy it was great. Except as careful as we tried to be we went so fast that one of us actually fell in the river! It wasn't very deep but at the same time it was dangerous because it was so cold and so we rushed home to change and enjoy being warm again. Good times, good times.

So anyways after that good news every tired and heavy feeling that I had (and I was up late so you know I had it) lifted and I feel almost as wide awake as last night with those two coffees. BUT it is still not even 8:00 a.m. yet so I think I will go and force myself to sleep. You know, since school is cancelled and all. Thank you God!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I took a break from beloved calculus to check my email. And what do I find but the script for the Easter play this Sunday at Sherwood Church of Christ! I am just a little mouse, but I am super-excited for the part. At first I was saddened because I thought I wasn't able to go but thanks to a changing around of plans it's possible after all. Which makes for a very interesting weekend.

Anyways I just thought I'd blog to share some of the excitement. It's always been fun working with Upstairs Productions and I have a feeling this Easter will be one to remember (hopefully the kids feel the same!).

Well since I'm plugging for that I might as well plug for the MCC coffee house tonight (again). It starts at seven and if you weren't planning on going you should. I don't know what it's going to be like but there's food, there's drinks, there's people, and so it's bound to be at least mild-mediumly interesting. And you can always join us for the gym afterwards, which is a surprisingly fun way to end any night haha.

So there, out of excitement I have plugged the Sherwood Easter Celebration, Upstairs Productions, and the Coffee House so if you are reading this you had better be at all three or there will be serious consequences. Consequences such as my foot up your rear end in a very unpleasant way. I wouldn't recommend it.


Update (10:02 pm):

Oops! My bad, I wrote that the Easter Thing was on Sunday, but really it is on SATURDAY. Sorry for any confusion this might have caused, I didn't realise it myself until I was thinking about it when I was almost home and I was like whoa I just totally screwed up the days! So anyways, just thought I would make that clear.

While I'm here I might as well blog about how the coffee house went. It was great. If you weren't there you missed out on an awesome time. There was food, there was coffee, and there was games. There was also a secret auction which I was -this- close to winning but I totally suck at rock-paper-scissors and that's what it finally came down to. *Sigh*. But as heartbroken as I was, it was still a blast and definitely the two cups of official Starbucks coffee helped. Normally I don't get affected too much by coffee but whoo man after the first one I could feel that caffeine hit my bloodstream. The second one went down fast, and the shot of chocolate and caramel blend at the end was like pure sugar in the system. So you can just guess how awake and hyper I am right now haha.

Speaking of Saturday (earlier in this update), there's a benefit concert at the Carrefour Theatre at 7:00 p.m. It looks like fun and plus all proceeds go to the Canadian Cancer Society, which is definitely a worthy cause. Am I pumped for it? Yes! And it's not just the caffeine speaking either. So anyways if you are reading this I hope to see you there, or read the threat above (before this update). Well I'm going to bounce (maybe even literally) so leave a comment, call, or direct your thought-energies towards me (if you are in my biology class you will know what I mean; if not, the teacher believes that someday we will harness the ability to teleport our thoughts to each other - because if we can use the phone and the energy from the phone can transport thousands of miles, why can't we do the same with the energy from our brains?) and I will be sure to get back to you. Well maybe not if you do the last one - I have yet to master that skill in return. ANYWAYS have a great night and hope your tomorrow is just amazing!

HUGS x2.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Another Day

So today was another interesting day. Actually woke up early and made it on time (with entire seconds to spare) for biology, which was nice. Played a game similar to zip zap zop, which also showed what kind of learner you are. Steve (my partner) and I did pretty good actually. Well not really, but I like to think that we rocked.

Skipped psychology with Courtney and went to DQ and had the new waffle-cone sundae, turtle version. Before choking yourself with shock and horror at the badness of the situation, I would like to say that we had a very good reason: the substitute is, in Nancy's words, bitter. Anal would've been my word of choice. Usually I feel bad for substitutes, and I do for her, but she doesn't help her situation any by yelling at everyone all the time. So I figure we actually did her a favour, saving her from the mass amount of grief that we would've caused if we were there. And besides, the turtle sundae wasn't that good either. As good as it smells, don't try it: the pecans were salty. SALTY! Salt and ice-cream... not a good mix. And by the time you finished the waffle-cone went soggy. Cows' are way better.

If you are reading this be sure you're sitting, because what you are about to read may put you into a state of extreme shock. Courtney, Nancy, and I went to the gym again. For a full hour and ten minutes. And what's more, we walked/jogged/ran for over a mile, not to mention actually working on the machines. How cool are we haha. My worst fear is that I won't be able to fit into my prom dress, so when I get back I make sure to eat a lot of food. Which isn't hard because you're starved after working out anyways. Well it's getting late (I'm trying to go to bed early now) and I still have some getting-ready to do before heading to read/bed. Just thought I'd share the extent of my super-interesting life, as thrilling as it is haha.

Open-Mike Night At M.C.C. Tomorrow. Two Dollars Plus Free Food Equals You Should Go! Also Starbucks Coffee? How Cool Is That.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday Monday Monday

Don't worry, I didn't die on the way back; I was just too tired to update last night.

The plane ride was good; had interesting conversations with the people I sat with (one of the benefits of the middle seat) and got as much calculus done as I understood enough to do. Also watched "How It's Made" so it was a very educational plane ride.

Stayed out until 11 p.m. trying to finish the poster for the psychology project with Courtney and Katie. Only to find out we had a substitute the next morning. Ugh..

School wasn't all that bad though. Even made it on time, after walking in and almost sitting down in the wrong class. Found out how much Gaelic I lost during the Gaelic-Drama-Choir After-School Group. I desperately need to review x.x

Went to the gym tonight over at Stratford with Courtney and Katie. First time there, and it was fun. But I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a sore day. You know what they say: no gain, no pain. Err something to that effect.

Anyways I'm only downstairs waiting for my laundry to be done (my laptop isn't working wireless just yet) and eating some much-needed nutrition in the form of milk and cheese and both of those are done so I'm gonna go. Enjoy the week!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Last Day

It's hard to believe that I'm leaving tomorrow. In some ways it feels as if I've hardly been here at all and in others it feels as if I've been here forever.

I wanted to spend time with my family, so Mike and his friend and I went to the mall for a bit in the afternoon, and then dad booked an appointment for me to see a career counsellor about "my future." It was a good talk; both me and dad are pretty stubborn but I can see it from both sides so I don't know. I hope he has a change of heart. I will find out tomorrow I guess.

Watched Casino Royalle. Pretty predictable. The girl plays hard to get, he gets the girl, they fall "in love," he is betrayed, she dies. Sorry for the spoiler but really if I could call it before it happens then you know it's obvious. I feel bad for him though; there was such a big controversy about him becoming the next James Bond. But he's got a few more movies to go.

Anyways I better get to bed; I leave an hour after church and I'm not even packed yet. Or did calculus. Wish me luck on that two-hour flight!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Shopping, Strip-Searches, and Cheap Fast Food.

Today was another warm day; a sunny nine degrees. Mike and I went to the Pacific Mall, where we spent a lot of the day. We would've spent longer but neither of us really had money, and it's a good thing we didn't because I almost got persuaded to buy this hair clip for the specially reduced price of $30. I know she was just trying to get me to spend money but I still felt so bad not buying it after she went through so much work to try to make that sale. Oh well, maybe one day I will actually be able to afford being conned and will go back haha.

Then we went to Fairview and I finally had some Taco Bell. There was a deal where you could get five tacos for less than five bucks, which was nice. It was good too, except according to Mike I ate it wrong and so I ended up just shoving it into my mouth.

After that we went to the library because Mike wanted to rent more movies and we picked like five more and then on the way out the thing beeped and I got strip-searched in the library lol! Actually they just made me take off my jacket and walk through again and again to see what was wrong but it was still funny/embarassing. I guess it was something in my skirt that set it off and so after a while they let me through (thankfully haha).

As for the movies for today there was National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1, which was hiliarous. But it's one of those funny stupid make-fun-of-other-movies movie, so if you don't like them this isn't the one for you. Coach Carter, which was rented from the library, was really good too, but in a much different way. If you watch the special features (in the dvd) where it shows the training the guys have to do for the movie it's amazing and makes you appreciate it a lot more. They also show a guy who's job is to wheel the camera-person around, which looks like a fun job. "What do you do for a living?" "I work in the movies." "Oh wow what do you do? Are you an actor, film director, stunt double?" "You know the people that do the actual filming?" "Ooh yes." "I wheel them around!"

If anything it would make for a few good stories haha.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Some March Break Reading

Dad came home with a book entitled "The Career Counsellor" that he borrowed and which I now have to read. It's an interesting book; written in 1995, it is a little outdated but that makes it all the better, using words like "The Information Super Highway" and talking about how companies are focusing towards the older generation, whereas now they are focusing on the younger. Actually it's an interesting book, talking about how "work" is perceived and the ever-changing job market. I think he expects me to choose my career by the time I finish so we'll see how it goes haha.

Anyways I'm being called to read. Wish me luck!


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Did You Know?

Say you owe interest on a $1000 balance on something (say your credit card) and you go out and spend $500 more and you pay back the $500 that month. You don't pay any interest on that $500 do you? You do! Everytime you make a purchase interest is collected on the total amount (the entire $1500) so the banks or companies are charging you interest that you really shouldn't be paying. They went over this little-known fact at an insurance finance class Julie invited me to. It was actually really cool, and they were so enthusiastic about it it almost made me want to either join the company or buy insurance. Did you know that if you delay five years buying insurance, the amount you pay each month can increase significantly? They calculate based on the time you have left before they pay you, such as the years until your retirement for your retirement fund and the years you have until you reach the life expectancy for life insurance, and the less time you have the more you have to front each month. It's pretty interesting to see how the numbers work out.

I also went to a Taiwanese supermarket today. It's got to be one of my favourite stores; filled with both Asian and North American food, very neat, and fairly cheap. It's in Markham too, which dad says isn't too far from Hamilton, so you know where I will be shopping often haha.

Not much to report in regards to movies. Mike wanted to see Daredevil and so we watched that. I had already seen it a while ago when it was out in theatres. It was an okay movie. Not the best, but not the worst either. I don't like it as much because it's so unrealistic. I mean he's blind living as a lawyer who tries to help people that's poor and no one else will help. One person even pays him in fish! And yet he has this super-cool totally high-tech house, cool outfit and weapons, and money and resources like he was the CEO of some major company. Just doesn't fan out.

Not that the other comic book characters are very real-life either, but they're more realistic. Take Spiderman for example. He got bitten by a radioactive spider and attains the abilities of a spider, taking care of the need for weapons. That's good though, because he's poor, still living with his grandmother and earning what little he has from odd jobs. The only thing he needs is an outfit and he makes that himself. Personally I think if he wanted to make more money he should've been a designer, but I guess even a pizza boy looks better in the comics than someone who's a designer by day and fights for justice at night.

I love Batman though. No superhuman powers, just a lot of furious training. Got all his money from his parents who were killed tragically. Actually, according to the movie, it was through his butler, who is like his backbone. His outfit he made himself too, but you know where he got his money and resources to be able to do something like that.

And everyone knows about Superman. Born in another planet, sent to Earth as a baby, raised by human parents living on a farm. Has extraordinary powers such as superhuman speed and strength, laser-beam eyes, skin tougher than bullets, and can only be beaten by kryptonite. He's only a newspaper journalist which is good because he doesn't really need anything other than his outfit either, which I'm sure he got his adoptive mother to make for him, since she knows about him and everything.

Anyways, that was my little rant about the unlikelihood of Daredevil.

By the way, my brother Mike got the job! I'm so excited for him. He starts on Wednesday, because he wants to do some shopping first (he needs to be well dressed for this; he's going to be a salesman). Hopefully he becomes successful with the company. His ability to speak Mandarin really helps, and he says that if they need to go to China he's their pick.

Oh and hope you enjoyed the first full day of spring! Tomorrow it says the weather will be a whopping 14 degrees in Toronto; not sure what it will be like in the Maritimes but I wish you the best!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I Don't Care; Today Is Still Tuesday

So I missed the post for "today" by nine minutes but close enough.

What did I do today?

Woke up early and farted around for the morning and part of the afternoon. Mike had a job interview (!) and so dad and I dropped him off and when he was done we all (including Julie) went to the Bayview Shopping Centre to browse around. It's a really fancy place; they even play jazz to set the mood haha. There's some really nice stores in there and if I ever become a gazillionaire please remind me to return to actually shop!

Then we went to a Chinese supermarket, which is always a fun trip because there's so much to look at. The shelves are always stocked full to the brim of everything and most of the stuff is like imported from asia so there's always something new and cool that you've never seen before. Dad even bought green bean and taro popsicles, which sound gross if you've never had them but if you had oh man are they ever good! I remember when I used to live in Taiwan in the condo across the street was a convenience store (surprisingly not a 7-11; that was down the street) and I'd always beg my parents to let me go across and get a red bean popsicle from the big freezer that they had and that was like the best thing ever. Actually now that I start thinking about it I'm starting to remember all the other good food from Taiwan so I'm gonna hurry and wrap this up before I starve since dad made a new rule and I'm not allowed to eat before bed. Figures that two days in after arriving in Chinese food galore I'd be put on a diet. Arg.

Anyways so yesterday Mike and I went to the library and I got a new library card (shh they don't know I'm not actually from Toronto!) and rented a bunch of movies so today we watched 28 Days (with Sandra Bullock), which has got to be one of the best movies ever, and Notting Hill (with Julia Roberts), which is an also a great movie.

Mike just went to bed and so now I think I will too, since it's late and we have to be up early because Mike has another interview/a bit of orientation tomorrow and he also finds out whether he has the job or not so please pray hard for him and also for Canoe Cove Christian Camp as they are hitting some red tape with the government, with the building, and also with the cost of the project. (Whew try saying that sentence 10 times fast!)

Have a good one!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Good Morning!

This morning I woke up and had the pleasure of watching the sun rise. It was beautiful. As it rose and grew brighter ever so slowly you could see the city light up through the window. I took some pictures but I forgot to bring the cord and so I can't upload them yet but I will. They don't do it justice though.

I love taking pictures but as much as this camera and I have been though (from Egypt on) I have my eyes set on another one. A Canon. And it is a nice camera. But one that I would definitely need at least a job to afford. *sigh* That's okay, I can do just fine with the one I have now. I don't really need a new camera; what would I do with the pictures anyways? But this is the world, we're never happy with what we have; we always want something bigger and better. Which is not a bad thing, I mean if we weren't always striving for more then there wouldn't be better quality things, like electronics, housing, and medicines. If we just settled for mediocre then mediocre is what we'd get.

Wow talk about a spin-off. I was just excited to be able to see the sunrise for the first time lol.

Anyways I'm gonna go and get something more to eat. Watched another movie last night: Fun With Dick and Jane. It was awesome.

Friend says I should be a movie reviewer since I go/watch so many. Actually that would be an amazing job; you'd get to go to the movies every week (which I practically do anyways) and get paid for it too! That's like getting paid to shop, which I saw an ad for once and almost signed up for it, except I heard they want you to buy like cigarettes or something to see if the stores let you slide. Not exactly what I had in mind when I saw "shopping." Still though it would be nice to have a job. One thing I miss is the paychecks. It's nice to be able to check in your bank and find money that you didn't even know you had. Well you know you have it because you've worked for it but still it's like working for free money. That's something I don't think anyone would mind :P

Sunday, March 18, 2007

In Toronto

Well it was a long ride but I arrived safe and well (for the most part) and am now sitting at home about to eat supper in Toronto. I say for the most part because I woke up this morning with the cold, but I get that anyways lol.

So what have I been up to ever since I arrived? First thing I did after my dad and brother came to get me (even before eating) was to go home and SHOWER. Over 24 hours of sitting, sleeping, and eating on a bus makes you feel kind of gross afterwards and so it was nice. Then we watched Talladega Nights (hilarious!), went to a congee restaurant (it's like a rice soup in case you were wondering. it's good), came back, watched some other movies, and then went to bed because there was church the next morning.

Church was cool; Julie, Mike, and I went to a different one; one that Mike and I used to go when we were really little with mom. Except this time I was old enough to stay upstairs with the adults haha. It was a Chinese-English church, and instead of having two services there was just one with a translator for everything, including the announcements and the sermon! What I also thought was really cool was that when it came time to pray it was just anyone in the congregation who did it, and in their own language too so you'd have like a prayer in cantonese and then someone else would pipe up with a prayer in english, and then after a few minutes you'd hear another one in mandarin.

After church we went to a Korean restaurant (yes I know what you are thinking and shut up, i'm from taiwan) and they gave this huge bowl of noodles each, not to mention a bunch of free appetizers. One of the great thing about chinese restaurants here is that when you spend $8 on food good or bad, you get your EIGHT DOLLARS worth. So it's nice either way.

Then went to Fairview mall, which is nice because it's walking distance from the apartment. Didn't do much shopping since neither Mike nor I had money but we did a lot of browsing and walking around.

Oops, supper's ready. Got to go!

8:39 p.m
I forgot to press publish so when I went to turn off the laptop this popped up. It's weird how exhausted I am; even though it's not even nine I'm ready to hit the sack. But no sleep for a while tonight; this family is addicted to Deal or No Deal and I have a feeling I will be sucked into this craze too, especially since there's a two-hour special on tonight. It's funny because apparently dad and his girlfriend have this way of knowing when to stop and so now Julie's dream is to go on the show. And anyways Mike's bringing out his ps3 tonight, so it's likely it will be a late late night. Man am I regretting not sleeping in on Friday.

But nights are always nice here, especially after everyone has gone to bed. Living in the penthouse has it's benefits, such as a spectacular view. It's hard to describe it but it's so nice. Anyways I'm gonna go. The show will be on soon. Bye!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I bought my bus ticket to Toronto for March Break today. And I'm excited! Excited to see my family, excited to go on the trip, excited for no school, and also excited for the interesting week ahead. But as the excitment builds, so does the tension. I almost wish I had more time to get stuff done; there's still so much I want to do before I leave it's crazy that tomorrow will be my last "doing" day. So please excuse me while I make use of the little bit of tonight I have left!


Happy Pi Day!

(it's the 14th day of the 3rd month... get it? haha you gotta love math!)

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Answer.

So you are sitting with some intellectual and making conversation. Or you are outside bored with your friends. Whatever situation you are in, most likely at least a few times in your short short life you are asked the ultimate hypothetical question:

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it,
Does it make a sound?

I always thought it as being a stupid question. Of course it's going to make a sound. Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean it's not real! The answer's obvious. Isn't it?

In Biology class this morning (which I was not late to, thanks to the bells not working because of daylight-savings :D) we talked about how the ear works. We hear by vibrations sent off that travel to our ears, which in turn interpret the information.

So what does that have to do with anything?

When a tree falls in the forest, it sends off vibrations. But with nothing to feel and interpret the vibrations, there is no sound. Sound is just our interpretation of the vibrations. Are you confused yet? It gets better. When you speak, you aren't actually making sound. You are making vibrations with your throat which enter the ear canal and vibrates the ear drum and it gets interpreted as what you are hearing and what we call "sound."

Just something that I thought sounded cool. (pun not intended)

(okay maybe a little bit!)


I am in shock.

When I got home from school there were three big envelopes waiting for me from McMaster University. "Hey look," I said to Friend and Florine, "they rejected me three times!" The first package thanked me for my application to Humanities program and the second thanked me for my application to the Science. I was confused about both of them; I thought I had applied to Arts and Science, which looked like a field of it's own. So I opened up the third one, thinking it was thanking me for applying to some other random program that I didn't sign up for, like medical or something (though wouldn't that be under science?). WELL. Inside was a fancy folder (sweet free stuff! I thought to myself). And inside that held two congratulatory letters of admission. For Social Sciences and Humanities. I am shocked. Not for them accepting me (especially since I didn't even send in my grade 12 transcripts yet!) but also because this, next to U of T, was the last university I expected to get into. Not to mention that I only got accepted into Arts programs, when really I wanted the Science.

So this leaves me with the scary question of what does this mean? I had wanted to go to M.C.C. and was going to, provided that I didn't get accepted into any universities. And I thought I wasn't going to because I applied to Science programs (other than this Arts and Science which I thought was supposed to be more difficult to get into than the actual Science). But here I am, sitting on my bed staring in disbelief at the letters, brochures, and the fancy folder, and I have no idea where to go next. Do I go to MCC like I had been hoping (and planning) to do or do I go to McMaster, for a major that I know I will enjoy but don't really want? Because job-wise, the Sciences path is where you want to go. Then again, MCC doesn't really give me anything job-wise either, but I know it will benefit me a lot life-wise. So what do I do? Where do I go? And, just as important, what do I tell my dad? If I say I got accepted into McMaster then I know I probably won't go to MCC for sure, even though it's only for an Arts degree. If I don't bring it up, does that constitute as lying? Yes. Yes it does. And that's not a good way to get into anything, much less a Christian college lol :P

Maybe it's a sign from up above saying that maybe it's best for me to go to university next year. Or that I should go to MCC anyways with the satisfaction that I could've gotten into a university. Most likely it's probably because God is letting me have the choice between the two paths and not deciding to go to MCC just "because I have to." But I don't know. I want to go to MCC. I also want to stay on the Island, at least for another year. But it's not what I want, but where I am needed. Would it be more beneficial to stay on the Island and attend MCC? Or could I be of more use going to university in Toronto (err Hamilton)? I want to be there for both of my families. But it's hard being close to either when you're so far away. Sometimes I miss being a kid, when the biggest decision you had to make was what colour crayon you were going to use. And what flavour of ice cream to try next. (tip: more colour = more sugar; oh the possibilities)

Anyways I'm just surprised at this whole thing and so am just rambling on haha. Who knows, I didn't even send in my grade 12 transcripts yet; and this time I can pretty much guarantee the rejection letters then. Talk about never a dull moment!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Quick Recap Of Wed-Fri!

Guess the whole blog-a-day thing didn't work out again. Sadly, I'm not very surprised haha.

I finally went to go to bed and then ended up at the point of past-exhaustion so now I'm blogging before I regain enough strength to be knocked out and I figured I'd let you in on the half-week missed.

On Wednesday I skipped French (terror/gasp/sharp convulsions) and went shoe shopping and fast food-ing with Katie and Courtney. No matter what Katie tells you do NOT order combo number eleven from BK, ever. The vegetable "burger," contrary to popular belief, does not taste like a real burger at all and even if it did the patty was so thin you might as well have not had anything in there the first place. They did fill it up with an absurdly large quantity of lettuce though, so it sort of made up for it. Sort of. Courtney's nephew was there and so, using him as an excuse, Katie and I went in to the little playplace with him. He got tired of it before we did haha. It sounds stupid but we were in the ball pit and trying to shoot them through the plastic target they have and had a blast; I guess we are too easily amused :) Afterwards we went to MacDonald's but of course it is bigger and more watched and we couldn't play in there. But I miss being little and able to play. Those restaurants used to be the highlights of my life. *sigh*

Also on Wednesday was youth group, which is always one of the highlights of the week, and had even more of a blast there. Although Jill, whom I had clearly made a truce with during the game where a clothespin is stuck on your back and you have to try to steal other peoples, attacked me for mine, totally breaking the truce. If one day you do not see her cheerful face in the halls, don't worry; it means I have disposed of her. You break truce, I break you.
(just joking! don't worry Jill I will not really murder you. Much.)

Thursday was an interesting day. Had a quiz in French (serves me right for skipping haha) and had company over for supper. Don't remember much about Thursday except that I went to see the midnight advanced screening of 300 (the movie) with some friends. The movie was kind of cheesy in some parts (everything is so overdramatized it was funny) but there were some terrific scenes and so overall it was amazing. On the way home we took a taxi and had a really neat conversation. Who knew that a taxi driver from PEI works for NASA designing their programs and owns the largest privately owned telescope east of Ontario? Talk about an amazing job. I read in Time Magazine an article on this guy who's like this multi-millionaire building this spaceship for commercial flights up into space. Already he has sold tickets in advance at $200 000 each, and I thought it sounded so cool until I saw that as exciting as breaking out of the boundaries of the Earth is, the flight only allowed for the time-in-actual-space to be for four minutes before heading back down. I was so disappointed. I mean if you're going to go to space you should at least go to the moon. Otherwise spending $200 000 just to float around for 4 minutes doesn't seem worth it. Then again, those people would be able to say that at least they have gone into space, which is a lot more than the rest of us. It's all for the experience.

Today (it's still Friday to me) was a good day. Watched this awesome dvd in biology on the ocean life and was blown away. After school went with Krystle and caught a sale at Walmart, ate, and then was dragged to see The Bridge To Terabitha, which I didn't want to see because by then I was exhausted from running on less than four hours of sleep. I thought the movie was so corny because it's mostly based on the overactive imagination of two grade 5ers but when a sad part happened I actually had tears in my eyes! And if you know me you know that as emo as I can get I'm not the sort to cry or tear up easily, especially at movies. I'd totally recommend it. The movie I mean, though crying can be good too haha.

Anyways I don't think I'm really making any sense at all right now (I haven't been all day) and so I'm going to go to bed for real now.

Later taters.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Usual

School as usual.

Home as usual.

Starting the post-a-day thing again. Except nothing terribly exciting has been going on to report.

As usual.

Well I guess that's not totally true; I cleaned my room yesterday. Dusted, swept, and everything. In psychology we are learning about study habits, and how we should be conditioning ourselves to study at a desk instead of a bed. So I thought I'd try it out. My desk needed to be rescued from being buried under mountains of randominities anyways. Now everything that used to be on the desk is now on the floor, so really except for the clean surfaces of the table and dresser, you can't really tell that I've cleaned my room at all. But I know it's clean. That's what counts right? So I guess this post on "the usual" isn't very usual at all, since usually I tend to clean everything BUT my room. But hey, sometimes it's nice to have a change from the usual. Usually.

Monday, March 05, 2007

"Happy Monday"

You know how sometimes the randomest things/phrases will keep popping up sometimes? Well that happened today.

Yesterday I ended a post, wishing everyone a happy monday.

This morning in the comics Jon sends Garfield a happy monday, though to Garfield he might as well have said "we're out of lasagna."

Then first period in psychology Mrs. Rowe started off saying happy monday. Then because someone (commented/complained/was confused) she started us thinking of everything good that has happened to make this monday happy.

And now, I am blogging about how this monday is "happy monday."



Sunday, March 04, 2007

On Break.

After being practically dead yesterday (in bed all day recovering from the cold.. and on such a beautiful day too!), I've gone clean-crazy. All day I've been cleaning my room, a major feat indeed. But now finally I'm taking a little break. A little time to sit, relax, and take a deep breath.

But then I got thinking. About the future, about next year, and about the years after. This is what grade 12 and two sets of parents does to you.


It looks pretty certain that next year I will be going to Maritime Christian College. I did not get accepted into McMaster and York, although they were the first to send me a confirmation e-mail and also multiple e-mails afterwards, telling me of their news and happenings (which I thought was very nice of them), doesn't really appeal to me, since it doesn't offer all of the courses I'm interested in taking. Nothing compared to University Of Toronto, which is where I'm aiming to. And which I doubt I will get accepted to. I did get accepted into Ryerson, but for an arts major, when I specifically applied to science. And plus the courses they offer are minuscule, especially when you compare it to the wide variety of U of T. Which also reminds me that I need to get transcripts sent out. Which reminds me that not only do I not know the dates for the deadlines that they need to be sent, but I also don't know the date of picture retakes. I'm turning too white!

So MCC is most likely where I will be. And as much as I want to go, it also scares the crap out of me. The more I think the less I realize I know. I don't mind sitting in class, learning about it, and doing tests on it, but to start teaching, speaking, and applying is something I find difficult to do in real life anyways. And because you're going to a bible college, you're expected to actually know this stuff! I can barely name off books of the bible, let alone know what's in it. Which tells me that I desperately need to continue reading. Funny how you can make time for things like cleaning your room and going out with your friends but when it comes to stuff like that there never seems to be a spare moment... but I digress!

Speaking of digressing, next year they're having a Greek class, which sounds really cool. I remember a few years ago Friend took one and I helped him study for learning the alphabet. I wonder if they'll even teach Latin. My math teacher from last semester could speak latin, and I thought it was the coolest thing. One day I will be fluent and then at my ten-year reunion carry on a conversation with him.

Anyways, if anything the next few years shall be interesting, as I struggle to figure out what the heck I want to do with my life. At least I have March Break plans finalized (for the most part). I leave by bus either on the 16th or 17th and return by plane on the 25th. Twenty-eight hours and forty minutes on a bus should be interesting also. Apparently they tell you not to take anything real valuable, which makes it sound a bit sketchy. Then again, you were told you needed one of those cash pouches that go under your shirt, which you really didn't.

Oh I like the song on the radio. I'll take that as a cue to get my butt back to work.

Have a happy Monday!

Friday, March 02, 2007

What A Day!

This will be one Friday to remember for sure.

Started out slow; had to get Friend to write me a note because it took me a while to get going and I was so late for biology. Psychology was fun, we watched a movie on animal experimentation and I'm pretty sure the mice could go through mazes faster than the average person, unless everyone is extremely smarter than me (don't answer that). For French we went out to the buffet at Pizza Delight for a farewell party; someone in our class is leaving. Which brings us down to.. 11 people haha. Calculus was good too. Was freaked out at first because I thought the quiz was going to be really hard and so we crammed all break but it ended up being pretty simple and I even finished it fast and got all but the last question on the assignment done too, which means almost no homework for the weekend :D

Then tonight Katie, Courtney, and I went to see Zodiac. It was an AMAZING movie. And not just for the fact that Jake Gylenhaal's in it either... or Mark Ruffalo (but you can have that one). It was a long movie but you didn't even notice it; you were on the edge of your seat the entire time.

And the drive home? Whoo man was it a ride! I swerved for the first time ever. And it was a SWERVE. As in some 180's, 270's, and definitely one 360. Thank God because the road was clear (for once on the corner of University and Belvedere) or else it would've been pretty bad. Looking back on the moment it was funny because Katie had just finished saying "..You've never swerved before, have you?" right when I was turning and it's a miracle in itself that Katie and I didn't wet ourselves because we had to pee SO bad (Courtney was the smart one that went before the movie haha). After that it was pretty smooth, considering I drove like 30 km the entire way. Well except for on the way home alone when there was this idiot riding my bumper for all of North River Road, so I drove 40. And I'll admit that I sang the entire way back and I made up some not very nice songs about this person. Well, consisting of "Holy crap this guy is an idiot/I wish he would get off my back/Man why doesn't he just go around/It's not nice to tail someone like that."

And that's pretty much the extent of my musical abilities haha.

So what am I doing now? Running up and down the stairs between the laptop and the phone making plans for Toronto on March break. I'm excited; I get to take a bus there and a flight back. Should make for a few interesting stories!

I love it during a storm; either inside or outside it is fantastic. Love it!

Anyways for all of those that wanted them here are the grad pictures. Personally I think they accentuate the fatness of my face (especially in the one where I was not allowed to smile) but at least they're funny.

[funny looking!] :P

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Falling Captive To The Drowsiness

Five minutes before the Sherwood Annual Meeting and I'm sitting home regretting my decision to not go. What's going on? What will happen? What will they decide? So I'm blogging for a little bit of sanity before the gravol takes its toll and zonks me out. Oh how I dislike side effects of medications. I find even half a pouch of Neocitran too strong and only take it when necessary. And that's the stuff people swear wonders by.

One thing I am excited about is the up and coming nanotechnology. It's working with nano-sized particles and changing and building things from the atoms and molecules themselves. Just how small is a nanometre to a metre you ask? Hold a marble in your hand.. and compare it to the entire Earth. Wow.

And there seems like endless possibilities. Right now you can buy windows that need virtually no cleaning; they are dirt-free and streak-free. There is clothing being developed that is more impenetrable than a bulletproof vest - and without the added bulk. But what I'm most excited about is the advances it will create in the medical field.

Think, for example, of the distress of cancer. What causes it? Practically everything. What cures it? Practically nothing. I don't know the correct statistics but cancer is one of the most common diseases people have, and as long as we have known about it there are only, in this day and age, two basic ways of treating it: chemotherapy and radiation. Which only kill cancer cells because they kill all the other cells too. And the horrible side-effects that come with it is scary to think about. Nothing compared to even two entire packages of Neocitran at once, that's for sure.

But cancer cells, because they multiply so fast, have tiny leaks or rips in each cell. And nanotechnologists are currently developing a type of treatment that involves tiny (even in the nanotechonologist scale) particles of gold, which can enter into only the holes of the cancer cells and nothing else. By passing special light through the body the gold particles then heat up, killing off just the cancer cells. And because it kills off just the cancer cells, there are no side-effects whatsoever! Things like that just blow me away. And I wonder why the government isn't pumping all their money into something like this. It seems like such an astronomical advance in technolgy.

Anyways, something to look forward to in the next few years. Who knows what they'll come up with next?

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